Calling All ShutterBugs: Looking For A Digital Camera..

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Looking for a decent digital camera within the 15-17k range..

Main criterias are:

1) Good Picture quality

2) Movie Clip Recording Feature

3) Decent Support for high capacity memory sticks

4) I think there was something also as memory processing times.. dont rem properly. Pros wd kno wot i am talkin abt.

5) Durability

I kno i wd be bombarded with Sony Cybershot and Canon Powershot Cameras..

i dont kno the finer points within the two contenders, but thats y m askin here..

Ofcource any other brand's suggestion wd be welcome.. hoping that a discussion with u guys will help me pick a nice camera for a friend.

Help Me out Guys..
Got an S5IS last week.. gr8 cam, available for 17k~ in the grey market, other cams u can cosider is Olympus 550/560UZ, Panasonic Lumix FZ80 or something like that..
Personally I use a S5IS and A710IS from Canon- both great cams
buy U should look at Panasonic TZ3- 7.1 MP- 10X Optical Zoom 28-280MM and a good compact size ( as much as A720IS)- it is 16.5k with jjmehta

i just saw two more models available locally here..

1) Canon Canon IXUS 70

2) Olympus Mju 820

And as i dont kno any single stuff abt the cameras rite now.. are the above mentioned the better ones in the allotted budget or any other models (above mentioned and unmentioned alike) exist which would be killer ones than the 2 i reviewed.

Pls do take into consideration that my friend intends to use manual mode.
Well depends on how serious you are about photography. If its just for timepass, any decent point an shoot such as A720IS, SX100, S5 IS will do. If you wish to learn and put in time, I'd suggest you buy an entry level DSLR like a nikon D40 or better still a canon EOS 350D. Either will cost around 20k in grey.

[shameless plug]

Just in case you are interested, I have a Rebel XT(american 350D) for sale in buy/sale forums.

[/shameless plug]
S5 IS is a good buy IMO.

sathyanaidu said:
Got an S5IS last week.. gr8 cam, available for 17k~ in the grey market, other cams u can cosider is Olympus 550/560UZ, Panasonic Lumix FZ80 or something like that..

Thats the Panasonic FZ18 ;)
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