Calvin & Hobbes!!

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Aces170 said:
Calvin & hobbes rocks...
He definitely aint a normal kid, but is one imaginative kid.

He is a normal kid, that's the whole point of C&H.
The vocabulary is just for effect, makes it easier for the reader to grasp what's going on in his mind.
^^Saumil, it isn't only his eloquence with the language and articulation, but his very thoughts as well. He argues over long hauls with Hobbes about impressionism, post-modernism, philosophy, politics, life and science. Now tell me exactly how you consider that normal?

Besides, if you think a schizophrenic, hyperactive, mean-streaked and super-intelligent kid is what normal kids are then you have some catching up on life to do.
tracerbullet said:
if you think a schizophrenic, hyperactive, mean-streaked and super-intelligent kid is what normal kids are then you have some catching up on life to do.
Unless you grew up on Earth Pink Edition, Yes.

His musings might be exhagerrated for effect (why do people kill people not to be confused with pacifism), but Watterson very much intends him to be a normal pre-teen; the full package - schizophrenia, hyperactivity and mild sadism.
Watterson has never really said what he has intended to do with Calvin. It's up to the readers to derive what they want - that he clearly said, I could quote him if you insist.

So you can either have Calvin actually own a magical tiger that jumps to life when his parents aren't around, or have a schizophrenic Calvin imagining everything the whole while.

So yeah you can find him normal, if you want: I certainly don't. Like they say: to each, his own.
Here I agree with Tracerbullet.... each person can take and understand what he wants from c&h... This is one of the beauties of the comic... What I read at the age of 12, I understand it differently when i read it now.... so... like he said..

To each his own...
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