25K+ Cameraphone alternatives to Xperia Z2?

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Enclave Plus
Hi Guys,
I'm looking for (Ideally an android) smartphone with an awesome camera.

Must haves - SD Card slot, Good battery life, Nice Camera. Community ROM Support.

Previous phones used (Galaxy Spica (2010 to 2012), Atrix 2 (2012 to 2014)

My atrix 2 is nearing the end of its life. Hangs/crashes too much. even wiping/rooting/New ROM's havent helped much.

Right now I've zeroed down to the Xperia Z2. Cost: 300 GBP (I'm in the UK Right now)

Alternatives considered:
Nexus 5 (Rejected - Hate LG, bit too pricey, camera not as good as the Z2, no SD card slot)
Oneplus One ( Rejected - Camera not as good, Sales & Service, much pricier in the UK - 230 GBP)
Galaxy S5 (Rejected - Too pricey, plasticky build)
Nokia 1020 (Rejected - Almost bought this one, but changed mind over usablity of WP OS, and comparing Z2 camera which seems decent enough)

anything else I should consider?
Z2 camera is a bit over rated. While it is miles ahead of the competition you posted, my friends z2 has a tough time focussing on most occasions.
Almost all new Samsung phones have great camera starting with as low as galaxy grand 2.
You should definitely consider LG g3, great camera and good battery life.
I would still suggest you to go for a s5 if camera is a priority. It is the only android camera which is almost as good or better then iPhone while being equally fast.
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Well., i was in your shoes a few months ago and went with the K zoom. no rom support does not even have its own forum on xda yet. But can be rooted and xposed mods used. xposed reduces the need for custom roms.

Once you get used to optical zoom you won't come back. Flagships produce little more sharper images but the zoom,xenon flash and full manual controls more than make up for it. Its not for everybody but what convinced me was a z2 owner i knew that went in for it. Was ready to pull the trigger on the Z2 and then made a u-turn at the last moment.

in india it was being offered exclusively on amazon which does not offer it any longer. maybe you might find it in the UK for less than a Z2.

since it has a zoom lens (bellows that extend thereby sucking in any dust that happens to be deposited) it needs to be protected from dust so a case that covers up the camera is a must. With the case i use the total weight is 235gms, took me two days to get used to it.

2gb ram with hexa core is fast enough, will get lollipop so RAW support will be there. Downside is 8GB storage on intl version, only the korean version got 16GB. Battery life is ok, not as good as Z2 as the motor takes up power but its user replaceable.
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My moto is still dying, and will get replaced, but the S5 shots were much more clearer than the K zoom

How is the K zoom with macros? I'm a bit of a sucker for macros. How does it manage macros in low light ?
It can be soft at widest settings. So zoom in a bit. Neither is it as fast as others, but its no slouch. What i got frustrated with was the lack of manual controls to tweak things in traditional cameras, we keep getting promised these settings, but it takes forever. screw lollipop, you can have it with KK right now with the K.

Suggest you hold the thing in your hand as its different compared with others.

Check the flickr group.

I might have misinterpreted what you meant by awesome camera, for a lot of people its p&S and forget. No screwups or very little, no faffing around with settings, expecting good photos knowing bugger all about taking them.

s5, note 4 or iphone 6+ fit that bill. G3 to a certain extent as well. Z2 with a little effort and produce very good shots.
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nah, i like to play around with my phone until i get things right.

I love taking shots like this

Unfortunately getting the focus right is a bit of a hit or a miss, and it usually works only if there is a decent amount of daylight.

trying to get a lock indoors (even with sunlight in the room) or at night with plenty of light indoors is tough. I had to struggle to get this locked right, and even then there was a lot of noise.

I personally like the FOV of this panorama, (the newer cams make them too wide!) but the white balance and the exposure don't stay constant over the panorama, and kinda screw that up. Even the stitching could be better.

I am yet to find an HDR app which makes good (Iphone 4 quality) shots from my phone. They are okay, and capture more detail than regular mode, but still no amount of fine tuning HDR camera has gotten me close to good looking HDR shots. this photo has not had any tweaking - the greens were like that straight out of the hdr camera app

FV5 is too clunky, and the other apps are too primitive. I prefer having a stock photo app I can manipulate into doing things i want without using too many settings - like this unfocussed snap
Hey, I know am asking for a lot, but It doesn't hurt to ask right :D

The reason I'm a bit apprehensive about the Z2 is that while i was researching for my phone in 2012, there was a lot of hype about the exmor BSI sensor, but all the outdoor daylight sample images i looked at especially the ones in sunlight, looked washed out/some sort of bloom. and a friend bought an xperia, and i noted the same issue in his photos when we took photos at the same place. I keep seeing the same bloom in the Xperia Z2 - and I don't want that
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bump, back in india and looking at the S4 @ 18K, and a battery upgrade ( I'm running my atrix 2 with a bigger battery, and i prefer it's big and chunky feel)

Is there a better option? my atrix2 is dying as we speak, so I'd like to pull the trigger asap :D
Consider the 1+1... Camera is pretty great with the ColorOS app (Stock CM app is average), dev support is superb!

Btw Galaxy Spica user here, it was great phone at that time when people were unaware of the Android :)
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bump, back in india and looking at the S4 @ 18K, and a battery upgrade ( I'm running my atrix 2 with a bigger battery, and i prefer it's big and chunky feel)

Is there a better option? my atrix2 is dying as we speak, so I'd like to pull the trigger asap :D
In short no, but at the same time I don't think that price of S4 is going to bounce back, ever. It will stay there. S5 was also selling at 26-27k today on Flipkart, if I have seen right.
nah, i like to play around with my phone until i get things right.
Seems i missed your post, being sober and new years day, not happening :D

Good, you can go totally nuts with this then.

K zoom because of the manual controls. Don't know how you will get one though, they don't sell them anymore, maybe second hand. or just wait for the successor to come out in a month or two. Best bet. Once you get optical zoom you won't come back.

Was looking at S6 hands on. it uses the same sony sensor as the note 4. has a pro mode, could not find that all important shutter time setting. no mention of raw either. Does not mean it wont come but can't tell when or if it will either. Only thing pro mode offers that was not available earlier is manual focus. nice but you can trick the camera into doing that on your own anyway with any device. its more general user friendly than 'pro' which is such a damn misnomer.

I love taking shots like this

Unfortunately getting the focus right is a bit of a hit or a miss, and it usually works only if there is a decent amount of daylight.
Make your own light, use a torch. OR getting focus is about picking something that is about the right distance that is better lit clicking without removing your finger to lock focus and then recomposing back. will work with any device.

trying to get a lock indoors (even with sunlight in the room) or at night with plenty of light indoors is tough. I had to struggle to get this locked right, and even then there was a lot of noise.
Same thing as above. thing with macros is even a device from three years ago can compete with a flagship. macros are the worst photos you can use to show image quality for a phone camera. i saw a sony ericcsson i850 whats that like 5 years old compete and even outbeat the z1. Might have been a lucky shot but that shows macros and phone cameras go together well.

Thing with macros is keeping focus on your subject. A slight move means even though you locked focus your subject is no longer in focus. The closer you get the more stringent this requirement becomes. There is a minimum distance too where you won't get focus at all and that's just physics despite being in macro mode.

Check this calculator
compact of 1/3" sensor, aperture 2.0, focal length 4mm
distance to subject : 10 cm.

Nearest Acceptable Sharpness: 9.49 cm
Furthest Acceptable Sharpness: 10.56cm
Total Depth of Field: 1.1cm (!)
That is a pretty tight depth of field. Want more of the subject at the back and front to be sharp ? then you have to do focus stacking and blend in post.

Ideally tripod stuff.

I personally like the FOV of this panorama, (the newer cams make them too wide!) but the white balance and the exposure don't stay constant over the panorama, and kinda screw that up. Even the stitching could be better.
stitching quality on phone cameras uses cylindrical projection. this projection only keeps verticals straight and well horizontals tend to bow.

Check a program called hugin. you can use your full resolution shots and with rectilinear projections to get horizontals straight too. It runs on your pc which has more processing power.

I am yet to find an HDR app which makes good (Iphone 4 quality) shots from my phone. They are okay, and capture more detail than regular mode, but still no amount of fine tuning HDR camera has gotten me close to good looking HDR shots. this photo has not had any tweaking - the greens were like that straight out of the hdr camera app
i think if you want better then you are going to have to do it manually in post processing with either gimp or photoshop.

Take two shots (expose for foreground and then expose for background)or if you have bracketing then 3 shots and blend. With masks you can control what gets blended in or not.

Alternatively there is a program called enfuse which works with hugin that will take those two or more shots and blend them automatically. will take some experimenting. but manual is best. i tried with night shots and trying to expose without blwoing highlights like anything illuminated was impossible until i tried blending.


FV5 is too clunky, and the other apps are too primitive. I prefer having a stock photo app I can manipulate into doing things i want without using too many settings - like this unfocussed snap
All you need to get this is focus at something 2m away that is lit and recompose. Now to get it clear means holding steady and using a low ISO. you don't have this control on any of the samsungs. you will have to try with night mode and hope for the best. or if you have manual settings then you have many options, including bracketing.

Hey, I know am asking for a lot, but It doesn't hurt to ask right :D

The reason I'm a bit apprehensive about the Z2 is that while i was researching for my phone in 2012, there was a lot of hype about the exmor BSI sensor, but all the outdoor daylight sample images i looked at especially the ones in sunlight, looked washed out/some sort of bloom. and a friend bought an xperia, and i noted the same issue in his photos when we took photos at the same place. I keep seeing the same bloom in the Xperia Z2 - and I don't want that
The one thing that is essential to have is control over the shutter.

Who offers this currently ?

lumia 630 has the nokia camera. entry level phone with camera software than even android flagships can't touch. But the sensor isn't quite in the same league.

htc m8, desire 820, upcoming m9

s4 zoom, k zoom, successor?

who currently does raw ? only the m8,9 and possibly g2. am hoping that k zoom will get it with an android update.

Vegetation with raw you can control for noise vs jpg is no comparison. the details just scream out to the point you wonder whether the same camera took the shot.
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one plus is out because no SD card slot, too big, and service is a question mark
the K zoom is interesting, but availability is a bit of an issue.
does the 820 have manual shutter control? but still am not a big fan of the HTC - plus it's also on the higher side, plus non removable battery = :(
S4 is a mainstream model, good rom support, has battery saver mods from S5, and has supported large aftermarket batteries.
Wait for a few months more and see the next k zoom. optical zoom multiplies framing possibilities. No roms just root and xposed framework. course xposed is more stable on KK and will take time to stabilise on lollipop.

I know why you're interested in the s4, form factor, price, good camera. But low light isn't great, this means indoor shots require more light. that is the only downside with its camera. If only manual shutter was permitted this would not be an issue. rom suport is strictly stock based nothing more for s4. nothing stable anyway.

820 i'm not sure if it gets nokia camera maybe with updates you would have to confirm. 820 battery is lousy. if you're considering a 820, why don't you look at 1020. price will be similar if you can find it second hand. No optical zoom but you will have raw to play with.
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