Can a Windows 7 purchased in USA be activated in India?

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fuzail said:
Went to Microsoft Office at Kalina Mumbai and sorted out my queries. We cant use any USA keys or from any where in the world. We can only use keys valid for SAARC countries except Pakistan. Also retail pack has to be used only upto 4 pc ,with 5 pc and above we have to go for Volume Licensing.

You have to be careful what these so-called "Experts" say, even if they are working at M$...

AFAIK, and also based on what others have said above in the thread, you SHOULD be able to activate the Windows license bought in US here on an Indian PC... And here's my reverse-engineered logic to support the argument:

Indian license of M$ Windows is cheaper as with the case of a lot of things sold in S. Asia, esp. SAARC region... This is a general policy followed by companies like M$ to promote their OS and reduce Privacy... So, they would not want people outside of SAARC to get a hold of this license when more expensive local licenses (outside SAARC countries) are available to be sold in those countries... Whereas in the US, the license is sold for full MRP (ie, not discounted as per region). Hence, M$ does not worry about people taking these licenses to other countries as they got their money!

Worst case, activate your Windows over phone, and tell ur cousin or someone from the US to do it for you while dialling from a local number there, and you can stay live on voice chat and get it activated from here in India!
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