coupons might get expired by then..
daily offers from HS18 & Infibeam are shipped by themselves, whereas tradus is a marketplace like ebay..
and I have bought several items from HS18 & infibeam, satisfied with both, hence just a personal preference
Even the HS18 and infibeam too act as market places only. HS18 products are shipped by the vendors themselves with the HS18 packing materials.
Same thing goes to tradus too.
All these shopping sites have got shortfalls, not even one of them is perfect or offer a great experience throughout.
If your personal experience is good with other sites, it doesnt mean that the site you havent shopped or used less is not reliable.
Reliability is different from the level of satisfaction got by the particular customer. Those reviews you pointed mostly talk about the satisfaction levels.
Even flipkart had offered bad service to many, but it doesnt mean that flipkart is not reliable.