Can GTA IV work on my comp?

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rite said:
Don't even think about this game below a 9600GT/4850 and Core 2 Quad with 3 GB RAM.

Why are u scaring him dude . My friend completed this on his crap pc
P4 3.2ghz , 1gb ddr1 ram , 6600gt AGP !!! with off course everything turned off and yet playable . Just give it a try , i am sure you will find ways for improving performance . The main thing for gta 4 is the cpu .
GTA4 is too much CPU+FSB speed dependent. I had to overclock my cpu to 3.4GHz(e5200). Now, am getting 46 FPS. I have 4850 1gb and am playing at 1280X1024 with view distance 40 and maxing out everything else.
I've decided not to go for the game.. I think I'll spend my money on other PC games coz like i mentioned earlier, i got the game for the 360.. Now once u play any game on the console, you wouldn't want to play it on the PC (unless, it's PES.. :happy:)

Cheers.. :cheers:
i tried it on my signature rig and it wasnt playable even at 800x600. Then I installed all the 4 patches and now its just playable at 800x600 with everything on low. The game is really really good but with that settings it just looks horrible.


AMD Phenom II X4 940 | Biostar TA790GXB A2+ | 2x2 GB Transcend 800 MHZ | Sapphire HD 4850 512MB | 500 GB Seagate 7200.12 HDD | Corsair VX 450 | Acer x193HQ | Zebronics LAVA Cabinet | Sony DVD Writer

WTF? Doesn't even work fine on a Quad core and a 4850 !!!
hash said:
WTF? Doesn't even work fine on a Quad core and a 4850 !!!

lol, sorry for the confusion mate. The HD 4850 I got only about a week ago. Now it works very fine above 40 fps most time with 1366x768 and medium textures and everything else high. If I max out textures then after a while it doesn't render the surroundings properly, this is probably because I've the 512MB of video memory. It would work fine in 1GB. :hap2:
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