Can I increase the startup Speed of windows?

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My system takes a lot of time in startup since lots of applications (Eg: getright, NIS etc) are loaded.

I have two hard drives. I was wondering if I could divide the applications on two drives instead of a single drive and if my OS could read the data parallelly, the windows could startup faster. (I presume that the bottle neck is the HDD transfer speed.)

My System is Intel 8400 Proc on Intel DG43NB MB, 500 GB and 250 GB SATA HDD, 4 GB RAM.

Please comment
The problem is with Windows rather than the HDD transfer speed. Run msconfig and disable most of the startup items that you do not need.
Also search on google for "Processes that can be safely disabled" in services.msc and disable them or set them to manual.

EDIT: Which version of Windows..?
hp-india said:
The problem is with Windows rather than the HDD transfer speed. Run msconfig and disable most of the startup items that you do not need.
Also search on google for "Processes that can be safely disabled" in services.msc and disable them or set them to manual.

EDIT: Which version of Windows..?

PLUS ONE to that. You can also check this site for tips. (It works for Win 7 as well)
Google for and download "Advanced System care", install it and use it to optimise your system. Good tool for noobs.
Also scan your system thoroughly for viruses, adwares,Trojans using any good internet security application.

On regular basis clean unneccessary and temporary files from the system.
why dont you check the task mgr to see what all is taking up the cpu time, also check for tsr and network connection.
jampack said:
you can also use hibernate option instead of shutdown, isnt it? :)

I always use hibernate.

Also I feel that my computer is slow because it keeps reading the HDD. I have a C2D 8400 with 3.3GB Free Ram(actually 4GB) 500GB HDD + 250 GBHDD. But I do have lots of apps. and movies. Free Space on my 500GB is about 40GB. Also I keep the computer on for long perios during download, so I guess it would have automatically defragmented by itself.

I have cleaned the registry using registry mechanic.

It was just a thought (since whenever my computer is slow...The Red HDD light is on), That if I divide the programs on 2 SATA HDD's, it would give me a better HDD transfer rates.
You keep your system booted for downloading stuff. Now the first question here is how many partitions you have on your disk.

If there is only one partition that is a overhead on the OS. As bigger the partition size more time to takes to boot the OS IMHO. Another thing if its only one partition that means all your downloads are getting stored on the same partition which will again fragment your partition as you perform your daily stuff also on that partition. So run defragment after Stopping/Pausing your downloads.
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