Can I share desktop internet connection via android smartphone connected via usb?

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I bought new samsung galaxy GT-9003 & I know I can use it as a 3g modem from my desktop, but since i am mostly in front of my computer either in office which has airtel 2mbps connection or at home I was wondering If i can use the broadband connection to surf the internet from the phone.

This will be required rarely but when required i would like to know if that's possible, otherwise I will have to have a wifi router which I don't want.
What you're looking for is called Reverse USB Tethering. This comes by default for Windows mobile 6.x phones (through active sync), but Google/Android there isn't a ready made way for you to do that.

If you're the enthusiastic type you can start here - Mycila Blog: Reverse USB Tethering with Android 2.2
I've used this process and it worked for me to bring the HTC Desire (running 2.2) - stock + rooted onto the LAN. The downside was that i wasn't able to get the DNS lookups properly and was able to do only IP based communication (that's the final step).

The process for Windows is buggy (bridging network cards is a pain) - so prepare to use Linux if you want to use this.
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