Graphic Cards Can my system handle a 6850?


I am planning to purchase an AMD HD6850 based graphics card. These are my existing system specs:

Intel Core 2 Duo E7200

2GB DDR2-800

1 7200RPM HDD


MSI Geforce 8600GT (to be replaced)

Power supply: Corsair 400CX (The old one, not builder series).

Will this power supply be able to handle the graphics card given the existing specs? Also, will the graphics card be bottle-necked by the CPU/RAM? Please suggest an alternative in either case (I do not want to buy another PSU).
Bro, 6850 will run fine on the system you have mentioned above... If it works on gigabyte superb 460 (i have used this combo for more than 6 months), then it will definitely run on CX400... At what reso are you going to play? If reso is higher, CPU will be bottlenecked, as the frequency in not even 3 gigs for E7200...