Storage Solutions Can Seagate external drive purchased in UAE be RMAd here

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I had bought a 3 TB Goflex Desk drive from Dubai a few months back but opened it recently . But immediately on using drive is creating problems after a 1-2 hrs of use it would suddenly be difficult to access giving "I/O error" type of error message. But if switched off for a couple of hrs will work again for 1-2 hrs.

Now is it possible to send the drive for replacement in anywhere in India because from what I read the local service center in Mumbai only accepts sold in India drives

Also the telephone number given for India on Seagate site "000.800.440.1392" does not appear to be a India number neither does it mention what country code is to be added if it is not a India number .could anyone pls help by providing a telephone number on which can call seagate and ask them abt replacement

Is the error I am getting with a disk a common one.

Would be grateful for any responses
It depends , check the warranty online it will state where can it be serviced . I bought a seagate internal 3.5 from newegg and showed servicing for India also in warranty page .
So check the online warranty page
Online warranty page shows valid warranty whether i put country as UAE or India but i understand that Accel site mentions only drives bought in India can be returned to them
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