PC Peripherals Can some one help me with buying a PC

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TheMask said:
Ahem! i beg to differ.. :P
Intel started supplying LGA775 3.06GHz/533FSB/non-HTT/1MB L2 cache chips (mostly to OEM sector) since last august. Infact, for the last 2 weeks, Intel's even supplying Pentium 4 524 LGA775 3.06/533FSB/HTT/1MB L2 ;)
LOL didn't know that :P. Anyway they are still useless :P
Guyz am happy with my New computer. I am now using it for doing programming in C and some little gaming like Need For Speed:underground 2, Thanks to Saiyan for giving me this. I was not able to get the cabinet wat Saiyan Has... is it possible to change it by telling the Compaq guyz. Compared to his Cabinet mine is nothing.... Call it a crap:(
^ What computer did you finally buy? If its a branded PC like Compaq, then i'm afraid they won't change the cabby cause that would just void your warranty.

Most branded PC manufacturers seem to be following the ATX standard these days, so technically you could change it.. but then again you never can say which one of the parts they decide to custom-build.
She bought a Compaq PC... P4 3.06+intel 915 board+256MB ram it has the EM64 in it.
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