comp@ddict said:Prove what u said here... Then I'll believe..
And please dont give an ardent reply like "Oh yea, u first prove that VX450W is better than TG500-UCC33"
^^ first- ur post is highly irrelevant to the Op's query or the purpose of this thread. in short ur just CRAPPING the thread
second- i really don know what your asking me to prove here. if you cant comprehend common English then please don read and misunderstand what is being said. That statement was not really to convey that VX450 is not as good as Tagan 500. If u can ever put a bit more time n effort to understand the statement it clearly says i am in favor of whatver brand that works for me and my objective is achieved. If u wud have had read the thread properly i have been clearly stating to the OP that Tagan will suffice his needs and not that VX 450 is an inferior brand. Nonetheless i don see any point explaining all this to u if u cant really understand what is WRITTEN and crapping the thread. :bleh:
My apologies to the OP to have posted all this here.