CPU/Mobo can tagan 500 U37 handle this rig!!

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comp@ddict said:
Prove what u said here... Then I'll believe..

And please dont give an ardent reply like "Oh yea, u first prove that VX450W is better than TG500-UCC33"

^^ first- ur post is highly irrelevant to the Op's query or the purpose of this thread. in short ur just CRAPPING the thread

second- i really don know what your asking me to prove here. if you cant comprehend common English then please don read and misunderstand what is being said. That statement was not really to convey that VX450 is not as good as Tagan 500. If u can ever put a bit more time n effort to understand the statement it clearly says i am in favor of whatver brand that works for me and my objective is achieved. If u wud have had read the thread properly i have been clearly stating to the OP that Tagan will suffice his needs and not that VX 450 is an inferior brand. Nonetheless i don see any point explaining all this to u if u cant really understand what is WRITTEN and crapping the thread. :bleh:
My apologies to the OP to have posted all this here.
vriship said:
a friend is looking for an i7 system.. he has gold hold of i7 920 and EVGA gtx260 sp216...
due to tight budget, will have to look for lower end PSU's..
PSU in consideration Tagan TG500- U37
Processor:- i7 920 OC'ed
GPU:- Gtx 260 SP216
Hdd's:- 2x 1Tb hdds
5 case fans in HAF932..
Optical Drive

will the above PSU handle the rig...
members pls help out quickly as have to take a quick decision on the same..

simple question and simple answer. The mentioned PSu will handle the spec.
have a look @CM GX 550, VX 550 too.
Audiophi1le said:
simple question and simple answer. The mentioned PSu will handle the spec.

have a look @CM GX 550, VX 550 too.

He prolly buying 2nd hand dude (member's market).

Also, the 450VX is NOT 80+ BRONZE. Its just 80+ certified AFAIK.
Please don't turn this into another PSU war.

Between the Tagan TG U37 and the VX450, the latter is superior. While i know for a fact that the Tagan is no slouch when it comes to total power output(have seen a friend run a quad and a 4850x2 on for many hours on gaming load) its not as efficient as the VX.
The Tagan may well provide 600W of overloaded power(assumption based on claims and limited experience), it will draw a lot more from the wall. The Corsair on the other hand deliveres 550-570W of power(verified) and does so while drawing a lot less, thus running cooler and therefore more reliable (wasted power turns into heat, which ruins everything). Overall quality of components, bundled zip ties and the 5 year warranty has the corsair unit on top again.

You should not be overloading any of these units, It makes no sense as it takes away the peace of mind that comes from running a brand-name power supply in the first place. Pointless considering overload capability, reasons being efficiency(most PSU's are their best at about 50-80%) and variables apart from the obvious as above.(not every U37 will output 600W, just like not every i7 920 will do 4Ghz with manageable temperatures).

Bottomline: The TG can handle it, but you'd rather not take the risk. How is it possible that you can buy an X58 based config. and not set aside enough for the PSU budget? It really boggles my mind when people want to even consider skimping out on the power supply on rigs as expensive as these.
second- i really don know what your asking me to prove here. if you cant comprehend common English

look whos talking english..

Look at what I wrote in urdu by the way:-

Prove what u said here.

Prove that the TAGAN 500W gives higher efficiency/output than Corsair VX450W....

I think I've made my statement clear, no point trying to evade, u've written something, I want to know on what base u wrote that.
@ Radiohead , i had warned you :ohyeah: . Never say anything againts Corsair here . BTW i cant find the youtube review you were talking about , can you post the link .
No offence to any1 but this thread isnt going anywhere . First of all the OP got all brilliant suggestion which he never wanted to know :S and now there is further confusion .
I think , OP is smart and by now he must have got his answer . Yes tagan can handle your rig as far as you are not into extreme overclocking , you are not on thin ice ! You can increase ur budget for some peace of mind .

Peace to all :hap2: , you can continue this thread , i bet it is going to be funny and interesting :D .
LOL :rofl: Ohh no no i am keeping myself out of this. Some people cant learn n its clearly a waste of time making them understand. If its Corsair FTW then let it be that way. I am not here to do brand marketing. Anyways i donno what this guy is quoting me on !!! That i said tagan will suffice the OPs' requirement !!! I agree with everyone who supports Corsair that its a very reputed brand. but consider the budget too.. its like telling someone u cant drive just because he doesnt have a merc !!!

@rohan_mhtr -i have no clue what video ur talkin about. i just agreed with ur part that there is no harm in trying tagan in lieu of corsair and "that in no way means that Corsair is not good enough" (for people who cant ubnderstand what is being written) :bleh:
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