Health & Fitness Can we go for Bariatric surgery again?

Why did you do it the first time? Did you have a condition that could not be fixed with lifestyle/diet changes?

Shortcuts, as a general rule, rarely work in life.
My Mamas from my Moms side all are like me. Even my mom is like me. Fat bellys.
I was 138kgs at the time of my surgery and still increasing but I am 116Kgs now. Now my knees are aching a lot while trying to walk.
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let us know what & how you control ... ?
1. I ate what I wanted (home-cooked meals), but severely restricted portion sizes - such as no more than 50 gms of rice. I increased my protein intake
2. Stopped empty calories such as Coke (except once in a while) and started having healthier alternatives such as buttermilk (tastes yum when ice-cold). That would also keep me fuller and more hydrated
3. Cut down on alcohol to just once every few months (with friends). This point does not apply to teetotalers
4. Walk every morning (a minimum of 8 km/10,000 steps)
5. Cut down on chocolates almost entirely (except the occasional dark chocolate)

The points above were followed strictly while I was in the process of losing weight. Now to maintain my current weight, I have loosened up on the meal portion sizes and reduced the frequency of my walks to 3-4 times a week, but all the other points remain the same.
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Asking for medical advice online is a bad idea.
To add to this, researching medical information online then consider yourself a "self taught doctor" is also an equally bad idea.
but how TURSTED their findings ...
Nobody knowledgeable enough would give such news articles more than a curious reading let alone "trusting" them after seeing sentences like "The latest results are not in a journal yet but have been showcased at a conference.", "However, experts have previously warned it is not a quick fix or a replacement for eating well and exercising, and should only be offered under medical supervision.", "We are unclear on the mechanism and biological process by which semaglutide might reduce cardiac mortality per se.".
To add to this, researching medical information online then consider yourself a "self taught doctor" is also an equally bad idea.
True..Such individuals are plenty on this forum aswell . Such individuals can actually harm a person without themselves knowing it. Bariatric is a complex procedure from every point of view. Good surgeons will work up the patient for months and surgery is taken as a last resort only when all alternatives fail or when patient meets certain criteria to undergo the procedure.
Regarding myself, I am a qualified medical practitioner.
A person who underwent Bariatric surgery might be already well aware of his situation and medical precautions involved, he might not be here to order ideas and medical procedures from this forum, gulp down the thread, hook and slink together. They are listening to hear other's experiences, for new ideas, as a means to share similar experiences, etc., then take expert decisions from medical experts in real life.
This is common sense for the kind of people here on TE, no need for them to reach self advertised bots asking to see a Dr.
Everybody know they have to see a good Dr.
@lockhrt999 posted about Semaglatate, same is in bbc link posted by me. Neither me, lockhrt999 nor bbc expect people to self treat / harm. It is general news and how people discuss ideas in forums like this.
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Neither me, lockhrt999 nor bbc expect people to self treat / harm

That's like saying we gave free guns to everybody thinking they would use it only to protect themselves. There is likely someone somewhere reading this thread who will use the info here to self treat. In such thread it is best to just mention your opinion (this doctor good, that hospital bad, no idea etc) & be done with it unless someone has actual experience of having the same condition as the op in which case they can continue in DM.
You are saying BBC posting an article about Ozempic which is a medicine used world wide only by Dr. prescription, is akin to giving people free guns ?
Leave alone BBC, news about this medicine is all over media. Heck, I heard about this in financial media because share price of the company rocketed after they got license. Looks like some people have extreme lack of self discretion on how and what they are talking about and damn have to decide how others should talk and think.
Sry this thread need not be diverted from original topic, so am out of this useless discussion, rather hope OP get some help in his situation.
You are saying BBC posting an article about Ozempic which is a medicine used world wide only by Dr. prescription, is akin to giving people free guns ?
You always seem to misunderstand things, when did I say anything about BBC. What I said was no point in posting that BBC article here. BBC posted that article because it is their job, it isn't anyone's to post it here. Let others do what they want from the info they gathered/got but at least don't contribute to the problem if can't contribute to the solution.
@lockhrt999 posted name Semaglutate / Ozempic first, I posted BBC link later without even the name in the link.

The medicine is only available on prescription from a medical professional.

Don't think anybody here needs your discretion or directive on when and how to post a news link or mention a medicine name on this forum.
Nobody is asking anyone to directly go and inject the medicine themselves, as well clarified earlier.

> Let others do what they want from the info they gathered/got but at least don't contribute to the problem if can't contribute to the solution.

The info can be gathered from BBC article or user's comments here too.
Not by reading 'see a Dr.' repeatedly. Rather stopping useless noise will make more sense.
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you can try out intermittent fasting OP, that's helped a lot for me, I'm overweight but just by restricting when I eat and how much I eat (I maintain atleast 18 hours and go upto 20), I have atleast stopped my weight gain, I have bought an elliptical and do cardio on it daily for an hour and it's really helping me a lot, even my parents use the elliptical and it's not too hard on their knees and for context, my father is a gout patient and my mother has kned problems.
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