Cannot find CS:Condition Zero servers...

Hi guys...I installed condition zero on my laptop for playing online...but whenever i click on find servers it returns no server found!!!

I tried connecting to few known servers but it still says cannot find server...My firewall is turned off...m using McAfee antivirus..

My System specs:
Dell Studio 1555

T6600 with 4gb RAM ...HD4570 512mb n Windows Vista 64bit...

Can any1 tell me whats wrong with my CZero??
Guys when i tried to connect to some known servers its giving me you have older protocol 47 version upgrade to protocol 48...Tried patch upgrade to prot 48 but my CZ doesnt start after patching...what should i do?? my original steam version CS is in my PC n i want non steam version on my laptop...tell me wht 2 do....