canon eos 550d?

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Need Suggestion for this DSLR camera

Canon EOS 550D SLR with Kit (EF S18-55 IS II) Lens

The price is around 39 online and offline too so let me know suggestion for camera wroth the money i put.

Where can i buy for cheaper offline place in mumbai gona b in mumbai for 7th morning so need to buy it in short time

New with camera handling any pro -tive abt this cam?
Bro why don't you go for Nikon, try Nikon D5100, in my perspective its better than EOS 550D, and also in future it will turn out to be pocket friendly as Nikon lens are cheaper than the Canon ones, and i am damm sure you will go for high-end zoom lenses soon
Bro, if its your first camera, better stick with Nikon D3100, its damm nice camera for the starters, it's retailing for some around 31k, in this way you save 10k rupee, save little bit more money for next 4-5 month and get yourself long-zoom camera (70-300mm AF-S costing 25-30k), without long zoom lens you will really struggle if every you go to wildlife or outing trip...

18-55mm lens zoom range is quiet short.
^^ do you even know what you are talking?

@OP.. 550D is a wonderful camera.. I myself started with it.. try the fort area..
technically speaking, D5100 is better than 550D in some aspect, better ISO boost, more focus point and in battery department it is far more superior than 550D.

I see only one benefit in 550D, it comes with built-in focus motor, so cheap non AF lens will also work like charm in it.
Isn't the 550D on Deal of The Week at eBay? Remember seeing it for 33k or so

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Isn't the 550D on Deal of The Week at eBay? Remember seeing it for 33k or so

Sent from The Note using T'talk Pro

Ya its In deal of the week but i found same Deal at my vendor on fort same as 34k ebay price 33990 bt i will get after 7-8dayz and tomorrow m buying it at fort when m physically there i can see i can get cheaper then that.
550D is a wonderful camera, and whoever said Nikon lenses are cheaper then Canon lens, is completely wrong.

Infact I recommend people to steer clear from D3xxx or D5xxx series if they want to invest in cheaper prime lenses in future as those camera's will not AF on cheaper primes. IQ wise there is no difference between the cameras, with Nikon D5100 having a slight advantage in the high ISO department. However Nikon's policy of lack of in body AF motor in the entry level bodies, negates the advantages the cameras have. There are quite a few AF-D gems which are light on pocket, but will not AF on these bodies. On the other hand Canon has no such issues, and all Canon EF-S lenses will AF.
Bro why don't you go for Nikon, try Nikon D5100, in my perspective its better than EOS 550D, and also in future it will turn out to be pocket friendly as Nikon lens are cheaper than the Canon ones, and i am damm sure you will go for high-end zoom lenses soon

This is completely misguided information.

And you can not judge cameras based on specs..

Buy Nokia Pure 808, it is much better in specification... 41MP bro!


I would suggest you visiting Croma and other electronics malls to try these cams 1st hand before purchasing.

If you are learning and are on a strict budget then you may want to step down to 1100D.

Invest the difference in a better lens incase your budget is strictly below 40k for this hobby.

You will find yourself craving for a better lens as and when you start learning and suddenly the camera specifications will not be the limiting constraints of your photography.

If you can invest on lenses in an year or so then canon 550D FTW!
@OP, I have a 550D and it's a wonderful camera. You can't go wrong. As #madnav said, if you can invest in the lesnses then nothing like it. Go for 550D, or else go for 1100D. After few days, you will be craving for better lenses. Before buying, go to a camera shop and take a look at both 1100D and 550D. Get a feel of them before making any decision. Also, along with the kit lens go for the 50mm prime.
Hey thanks for the advice mates. finally bought canon eos 550d and yup surely need another lenses, i feel 550d is better option for me lets see i will work it on in a month and will decide which lesnses i will need to buy along with it
Do try to get the f/1.8 50mm lenses from Canon. These are just amazing potrait lenses with superb bokeh for the price. I recently got this for my marriage along with the 550D and believe me when i say that its full paisa wasool

A note of caution: The lenses are very fragile and the AF has already stopped working. I cant deny however that it's gone conk only after ~34GB of pics
play around with the kit lens for a while, get a hang of the features then move on to your first upgrade of the 50mm f1.8

You will fall in love with that glass!
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