Can't sign up for Nokia Messaging Service

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has anyone been able to sign up for Nokia Messaging Service ???? its a free Blackberry like push mail service for ur nokia phones

Nokia Messaging: Home
I've trying for nearly a month now, during signup, in the end it always says " We cannot process your request at this time. Please try again later. "

Let me know if anyone gets a chance to activate this
I have been on Nokia Messaging since the last 5-6 months+. Make sure you have an Advanced GPRS data plan activated on your phone.

Also, try signing up by switching the access point to WLAN. Its faster and setup+sync happens like a breeze. However, for normal usage, EDGE works pretty fine too.
Ive been using nokia messaging since its early days. It doesnt seem like a network issue to me. They might have closed registrations for now as they do plan to make it a paid service in the future.
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