Can't Uninstall/Reinstall WMP10

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My WMP10 is so far corrupted and can't run it... don't have any clue what happened to it!...

Anyway.. Tried to reinstall it with the latest setup from and the setup tells me: It was not possible to complete setup!

I tried then to uninstall/rollback it from the Add/remove, it tells me windows media player 10 rollback failed!!...

Now what can i do ?
i didnt want to play in the registry till i get here and ask out first,,
any ideas guys ?
According to microsoft:

Why do I get the message, "It was not possible to complete Setup" when I try to install the Player?

This error is often caused when Windows Media Player Setup can't write files to a directory on your computer, which can happen if you're not logged on as an administrator. For more information about user accounts, see Windows Help and Support.

If you're logged on as an administrator, the error can occur if the Administrator's group doesn't have write permissions to the directory SystemDrive\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents. Change permissions for the Administrators group, and then run Setup again.

To change permissions, do the following:

1. Right-click the Documents folder in SystemDrive\Documents and Settings\All Users, and then click Properties.
2. In the Documents Properties dialog box, click the Security tab.
3. In the Group or user names box, click Administrators.
4. In the Permissions for Administrators box, make sure the Allow box is checked for Full Control.
5. Click the OK button, and then run Player Setup.
You can also try uninstalling the WMP10 in the safe mode.

You can also try these steps...
Try this....

Download the whole WMP10 then Extract that to a folder of your choice then run setup_wm.exe in the folder you extracted the download to.
The same,.. i looked at the log of the installation and here is a copy of the latest lines i saw errors starting on:

GetConnectedStateEx: User 'is' connected via LAN.
System is already on-line.
The system is currently on-line.
The download url for services information is : ''.
Beginning download. Download will be to 'D:\WinTemp\allservices.xml'.
Starting download.
Download manager now connecting to URL.
Download complete.
ERROR: Service info download URL not set.
=====Setup preparing to download needed files from network.

Download complete. Result: '0x0'.
=====Installing Install list. Last result: 0x0.
Installer: Preparing to set system restore point...
ERROR: Could not set system restore point: error 0x8007000a.

======Installing component 'MPCD10'.
Package 'MPCD' is version ''. This is 'newer' than the version currently installed.
Package 'MPCD' is version ''. This is 'newer' than the version currently installed.
The install file is D:\WinTemp\IXP000.TMP\MPCD10.inf.
The flags value is is 0x3e2.
The other params are 0xa 0x0 0x0 0xeda.
Install for Exception pack 'D:\WinTemp\IXP000.TMP\MPCD10.inf' returned '0x800700b7'.
Package install complete. Last result 0x800700b7.
ERROR: Package 'MPCD10'. Result: 0x800700b7.

======Installing component 'MPSTUBC10'.
Package 'MPSTUBC' is version ''. This is 'newer' than the version currently installed.
Package 'MPSTUBC' is version ''. This is 'newer' than the version currently installed.
The install file is D:\WinTemp\IXP000.TMP\MPSTUB10.inf.
The flags value is is 0x3e2.
The other params are 0xa 0x0 0x0 0xeda.
Install for Exception pack 'D:\WinTemp\IXP000.TMP\MPSTUB10.inf' returned '0x800700b7'.
Package install complete. Last result 0x800700b7.
ERROR: Package 'MPSTUBC10'. Result: 0x800700b7.

======Installing component 'WMSETUP10'.
Package 'WMSETUP' is version ''. This is 'newer' than the version currently installed.
Package 'WMSETUP' is version ''. This is 'newer' than the version currently installed.
The install file is D:\WinTemp\IXP000.TMP\WMSET10.inf.
The flags value is is 0x3e2.
The other params are 0xa 0x0 0x0 0xeda.
Install for Exception pack 'D:\WinTemp\IXP000.TMP\WMSET10.inf' returned '0x800700b7'.
Package install complete. Last result 0x800700b7.
ERROR: Package 'WMSETUP10'. Result: 0x800700b7.

Setup complete. Result: '0x800700b7'.
Setup has failed.
Pink_Waters said:
My WMP10 is so far corrupted and can't run it... don't have any clue what happened to it!...

Anyway.. Tried to reinstall it with the latest setup from and the setup tells me: It was not possible to complete setup!

I tried then to uninstall/rollback it from the Add/remove, it tells me windows media player 10 rollback failed!!...

Now what can i do ?
i didnt want to play in the registry till i get here and ask out first,,
any ideas guys ?

Now i had the same type of problem with the real player,copy paste the setup file on the desktop
go to safe mode ,uninstall windows media player,then try reinstalling it,it should definitely work,if it doesnt then,restart ur comp in the normal mode,go to Start-Run-type in "regedit"(without the inverted comas)a window will open up on the left side u will have about 5 headings just expand them and search for th wm entires,then right click and delete all the entries and then download a registry mechanic and run a full scan and then try installing and this should take care of the problem,BUT FOR HEAVENS SAKE DO NOT TOUCH ANYTHING ELSE IN THE REGEDIT EXCEPT FOR WM ENTRIES OR F@#$in comp only wont boot up .and anyways i dont take any responsibility for the consequences of ur actions
best of luck
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