Captain America Assassinated -

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dude!!! wth, you shouldn't be posting it :'(, i was waiting for the civil war to be over and then read. now u spoiled it all :no: :(
lol it was hightime for him to die saiyan cuz im bored of him read each an everything i have 4gb of marvel collection with the old danger girl series and GI JOE vs Transforemrs <<< this is freaking awsome
but still this guy is one of my favourite :(, and this news is shocking and is a spoiler also for me....

lol nvm i take something like this seriously:P

But he'll come back.

They all do. Even if not in his original form, or not forever, he will come back.

Hope The Avengers find a good leader.
These people are in the business of killing off characters when the sales are ultra low . they did so with the robin character ...

Capn America was the first superhero movie i saw . He was higly admirable .

rip :(
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