S salluks Contributor Feb 5, 2009 #1 Dunno of this is already posted, List of all the Cars that will be Launched over the Year.:cool2: Attachments 2009 models_India.pdf 2009 models_India.pdf 831.1 KB · Views: 425
G guru Contributor Feb 5, 2009 #2 are you the same guy who posted this in Team BHP. If yes, then great work!... Thanks
S sohail99 Contributor Feb 5, 2009 #6 Man! i'm so getting the Bravo or Punto!! gonna decide in the showroom after personally seeing them!!hyeah: Thanks for the list man! uber one!hyeah: :hap2:
Man! i'm so getting the Bravo or Punto!! gonna decide in the showroom after personally seeing them!!hyeah: Thanks for the list man! uber one!hyeah: :hap2:
P paddydevil Contributor Feb 5, 2009 #7 omg.. i cant access team bhp some stupid error abbuserinfo plz help sm1
Saiyan The L33t Admeen Galvanizer Feb 5, 2009 #8 Nice list , that Tata indigo and Fabia combi looks really sad lol.