Casual, immersive, timepass games!

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Okay, I want you guys to list in games which would run on Intel's HD graphics (sandy bridge mobile), and are good time-pass or sims or classes (please not sims 3).

Take reference for say, AOE, Worms Reloaded, Braid style games.


- Machinarium

- Lume

- Limbo

- Braid

- World of Goo

- Beat Hazard

- Angry Birds

- N

- Soldat

- Frozen Synapse

- Super Meat Boy

- Plants v/s Zombies

- ElastoMania

- Osmos

- Gish

- Pocket Tanks

- Proun

- World's Biggest Pac-Man

- Armadillo Run
Yeah I've played soldat, sadly didn't like Plants v/s Zombies.

Frozen Synapse is something I've been tracking for 1.5 years now, know it well and through. But it's genre is simply not my type.
Plants v Zombies and World of Goo are the two of the best cheap standalone games of ALL time. Love them both dearly.

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You PM inbox is full, can't reply Preetam.
I found this fun when I played it a while back. Metarcritic score 80/100.

However, based on the games you mentioned it might not be your cup of tea. Have a look at the in game trailer on the Steam page. Its on sale atm for just $2.49 - and well worth IMO.


Save 75% on Osmos on Steam

System requirement is mentioned as "3D graphics card with OpenGL support. Minimum resolution 800x600". Think your system should run this fine...

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Another game you can consider is Gish (Metacritic 80/100 & also IGF 2005 Grand Prize Winner).

Save 66% on Gish on Steam
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