CAT percentiles

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List your CAT percentiles/scores here (we already know that no one made it through)

Overall percentile: 99.81 (yes, ninety nine point eight one and still no calls!!!!)
Overall score: 42.89%
DI score: 15.25%
DI percentile: 70.03 (now you know why)
quant score: 34.92%
quant percentile: 97.45
verbal score: 71.33%
verbal percentile: 99.99 (yes, ninety nine point nine nine, which means I probably scored more than anyone else on that section)

I feel like killing myself.
One TE member has got 98.9... But i will let him post himself... He is away from comp as of now...
KingKrool said:
List your CAT percentiles/scores here (we already know that no one made it through)

Overall percentile: 99.81 (yes, ninety nine point eight one and still no calls!!!!)
Overall score: 42.89%
DI score: 15.25%
DI percentile: 70.03 (now you know why)
quant score: 34.92%
quant percentile: 97.45
verbal score: 71.33%
verbal percentile: 99.99 (yes, ninety nine point nine nine, which means I probably scored more than anyone else on that section)

I feel like killing myself.
Awesome score Dude..............Suprising no calls
How is It possible KK that people with lower percentiles that you are BLACKIs (that is people who have recieved call from IIM) and how come you havent recieved a single call???

Doesnt it depend on your CAT percentile??


PS: Ur verbal percentile is class, many good Bschools give waitage to verbal scores and urs is a good one.
hey thats too bad mate i mean 99.81 is too good, awesome.
may be they forgot to call you, t is surprising that you didn't get a call
My deepest sympathies..

btw what chance does my friend have, with 94.1 overall and good curricular/extra curriculars?
DI score: 15.25%

This is the culprit in ur case!

(BTW perhaps not applcable 4 KK but the strike rate (correct/attempted ratio) also plays a role...(apart from of course the -ve marks u get for em)
yup di score is very low ... even a 80 to 85 percentile in that section would have got you calls ...
I hope you had filled sp jain ,mdi and other good colleges , you have agreat chance for them :)

Best of luck for them and other exams Kingkrool
Yeah they want heavy duty quant.... and for the rest of the institutes which I have applied for, that overall percentile is overkill.

So near yet so far.
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