CAT Result Out???

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the scores were out long back.... i havent given it but my friends have

around 98.1 percentile gets you IIM shilong if you have balanced scores

110 marks is 96.7 percentile... thats all i remember :)
Actually out now. Not great for me though :(

Section - I Quantitative 22.00 (out of 100) 80.79

Section - II Logic & Data Interpretation 24.00 (out of 96) 77.77

Section - III Verbal 57.00 (out of 160) 97.39

Total 103.00 (out of 356) 95.52

Jeez, shud have paid more focus to the other two for a more balanced performance :(
Section - I Quantitative 66.00 (out of 100) 99.91

Section - II Logic & Data Interpretation 25.00 (out of 96) 79.42

Section - III Verbal 48.00 (out of 160) 94.90

Total 139.00 (out of 356) 99.28

:O:O:O Somebody slap me! Is this for real?

I havent applied to any insti's yet - wasn't too confident. where can I apply now :ashamed:
OMG Greenie!! Nice!!! congrats man.. awesome.. go for the IIMs buddy..
i got
QA 57.33
LDI 42.44
VA 99

OA 92.48

Ok, so not bad for no preparations.. so i feel like kicking myself.. shouldve studied.
Does anyone have any idea where i've got a realistic chance? :(

I think LDI will mess up my chances..

[P.s. should this + 1343 JMET be enough for IITM?]
[EDIT: Reason i'm posting here is i'm embarrassed to post it in Pagalguy :s and very confused]
bah, I think I'm screwed. No calls, and I didnt bother to apply, and I doubt if anyone's taking applications now :(

^^ None of the great colleges are taking applications now. And IIM's will be doubtful for you cause of the low score in LDI. But a great score none the less greenie. Simply amazing.

Mesa got 88.88 OA percentile :D Not bad at all. Improvement of a full percentile from CAT 06.
Hey greenie. Decent score but the really low %ile in DI would have affected your chances in all IIMs.

Though I've been out of touch with the MBA scene for a while now, just check if MICA, TAPMI et al have wrapped up applications.

At the same time, my advice would be for you to hang in there for another year. Seriously. Take the CAT again properly next year and put fight to get it right at all three. A quality MBA with another year of work-ex is leagues ahead of an MBA you settled for with your current score. PM me if you want any specific help.

All the best!
HI guys got d result got 97.92 percentile..........................hvnt filled ny other forms.....i don think can get calls from IIM ny idea about applyin in S.P jain n MDI 1s....if possile ...........
lookie lookie wat i got .. dint study at all :ohyeah: :ohyeah: ..

Section - I Quantitative 10.00 (out of 100) 56.79
Section - II Logic & Data Interpretation 12.00 (out of 96) 57.77
Section - III Verbal 96.00 (out of 160) 99.94
Total 118.00 (out of 356) 97.77
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