Cauvery verdict out: Karnataka gets 270TMC feet and TN gets 419 TMC feet of water

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The verdict is out. The verdict is a bad one for Karnataka farmers.

Schools have been closed in Bangalore. Police are on alert.

News channels are saying that Karnataka will go to the Supreme Court for sure against the verdict.
Hmm.. And Karnataka had aske for 465 tmcft and TN for 562 tmcft.. All went wrong.. But not so much for TN
Well situation seems is very tense. We were given a travel advisory to head back home asap in company transportation. So here i am... back. If a riot breaks out, its seriously sad :(.
yeah...we were told that too. I'll stay back. at most will go to someone's place. anyone stays around koramangala :P
Just reached home. Sad thing this. These kind of things shouldnt happen in the software hub of India. I guess this truely reflects the mentality of the people. I mean, sure as hell protest, but how does disrupting public life help your cause?
all politics both states oppositions vowed to protest if the verdict goes in other states favour. I guess everything is fine here. nothing on news, nobody has actually seen any incidents. just rumors i think.
Banglore surely get set back due to such frequent riots in 06-07. These polititians never make and can see any one live happy.
hmm was bound to happen, karnataka repeatedly ignored orders to release water to TN(waay back in the early 90s), and now the verdict goes against them, politicians to blame everywhere.
lol does any body remember the river Cauvery actaully starts in Karnataka lol.... Thats too much water for T'Nad. meh
Cauvery starts in Karnataka - so what?

And the thing about TN getting more water is not accurate anyway. They get more water from the reservoir. What no one points out is that the reservoir is right on the border. So for all the region before that, Karnataka can access all the water they want. It is only at the reservoir that they are granted less water. TN, on the other hand, will only get what comes out of that reservoir.

But the simple answer here is - get rid of the dam. That'll shut them all up.

Being upset is one thing, going and rioting is another.
According to a study conducted by the central government in 1972, the utilisation of water from Cauvery in Tamil Nadu was 489 tmc ft against Karnataka's 177 tmc ft. Now Karnataka wants to utilise 465 tmc ft, against its present usage of 312.32 tmc ft. It is against this background that Tamil Nadu went to the Supreme Court.

The Cauvery Water Tribunal, in its interim award of June 1991, ordered that Karnataka release 205 tmc of water to Tamil Nadu during one water year, that is from May to June. It also stipulated a weekly quantum of flow, much to the chagrin of Karnataka. This led to large-scale violence on Tamils living in Karnataka. Karnataka has followed the interim order and has released much more than 205 tmc ft of water every year except during the year 1995-96. This led to the Supreme Court coming down heavily on Karnataka.

Very interesting. K'taka has never used so much of water. They have been using 312tmcfeet and suddenly, they want more ??

And now, people will say we need more water because we want to grow more plants. I say "for what joy" ?? It is not like we have a shortage of food grains. If the food grains we were growing is not enough, fine. We need to grow more. But India is a self sufficient country in this respect.

Source: What the Cauvery dispute is about
Just read the morning papers....

In that, they say Karnataka needs more water because of the expansion of Bangalore into Greater Bangalore and all that. This water isnt meant only for irrigation.

@Broar --- Why cant the people in Tamil Nadu ask themselves that :P ??
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