Cauvery verdict out: Karnataka gets 270TMC feet and TN gets 419 TMC feet of water

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RiO said:
Thursday strike for this? What fookin nut cases! :S

lucky us :rofl: at least they gave 3 days time :P gonna play sro whole day

btw for karnataka its more an issue of pride than water.
Nikhil said:
@Broar --- Why cant the people in Tamil Nadu ask themselves that ??

do you know that the reservoir is right on the border. so obviously there will be some quarrel lol . just like Israel and Palestine ( forgive me for the analogy ) :P
hehe dude really bad analogy :P...

weird part is people are fighting for water inside the same country :| pathetic :no:

its a lousy political rat race, whoever manages to get more water gets more votes...and the loser gets to be sore and disrupt public life....:|
shrey said:
hehe dude really bad analogy :P...
weird part is people are fighting for water inside the same country :| pathetic :no:

its a lousy political rat race, whoever manages to get more water gets more votes...and the loser gets to be sore and disrupt public life....:|

Absoulutely true....
This is where the national river linking plan would be of some use. Share the water between states so they don't fight like bhukey nangey bhikaris over water.

Chalo, at least we got a holiday :D.
^^No. That would simply mean that there would be more fights. River linking is a bad idea... only a few should be linked, and only after really extensive studies to make sure that there are very few environmental issues.. and for gods sake, no mega dams there, otherwise by the time the court cases are over, we'll be in the 22nd century.
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