Storage Solutions cd and dvd problems

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i wrote some (burn) cds and dvds

now all are working fine in my system, but half are working and half not working on my friends's pc (3 friends 3 pcs)

whats going on, i check again at my palce, all working fine
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as regards the dvds, check whether ur friends' drives support the media u burnt on. Some (older) drives can read only dvd+r or dvd-r (and not both).
well , the likely problem is that the firmware on your friend's DVD-R might be outdated,
so it might not support the media u burned. try going to the manufacturer's website and download the firmware patch. make sure there are no power surges/cuts during the upgrade and be specially cautious if the drive is AN OEM !! because some OEM drives have specific firmware and carelessly updating them could spoil them. make sure u read the readme files,etc be4 updating.

in case of an OEM drive shipped with a branded pc, u must go to the site of the BRAND owner and find any available firmware there .
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