PC Peripherals CD TRAY STUCKin...

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Hey Buddiez :D

Poll guy back with newer prob :ashamed:...

I hate to say this again, my Samsung Cd writer :rofl: ,tray gets stuck after playin cd's for a while like 30 minutes or an hour.....

The tray doesnt come out rite and if it does just 10 % of tray is visible...

Then I pull it out with my hand...

Cud be dust stting in the tray channel ? Coz my place gets a lot of carbon dust.....

Tnx .....

No Polz this time :cool2:

Modz plz do the neccesaary if this can joined to some other thread already existin with similar stuff...

Tnx again n Cheerz :clap:

hey man, I too got Samsung CD writer,
I have a Different prob, :S it opens on its own in between.....while playing a CD or if nothing is happening, it opens on its own. :huh:

and talking abt ur prob, yup i had that too, but i dunno what happened it stopped. but it sure infuriates me. :@
Hey Hell ,

The first prob of users is tht the drive is gone for gud....My Samsung DVD drive has the same prob....Its HAUNTED...lol...
The service guys have said they have to replace it......Mine doesnt read any damn cd's and opens on its own and the readin led blinks at intervals without ne cd..!

Samsung is loosin my support for sure !!!

^^^ My Samsung CD Writer 40X sucks....

some screwup, writes at only 8X...at 12X, some "bang" sounds come, burn failed.....

i too had that tray coming out problem..out of anger, i kicked the tray hard, it broke. still wruites fine at 8X.
my samsung cd drive was having the same prob of getting stuck..had to buy new one(bought dvdrom). the drive still here.. anyone needs it ;)
Hey M8s,

So did u guys miss the Q' ? Y cud this be happening in the first place ?

Dust or bad manufacturing and not reliable for long term use...Mine is only 1.5 years old....

Can be a combination of the reasons. I have similar problems while writing CDs. This could just be an inherent flaw in the drives. That means that the products become less reliable as time passes by, due to their manufacturing process. The reason i say this is cuz i've seen quite a number of people complain about getting errors with their Samsung writers.

Have the drive sent in for a check up. See what their report on it is. As far as the carbon dust goes, theres no way that a truck load of it could have got into your drive unless you're into the habit of leaving the tray out as a cup holder or something (Hey, nice idea for a mod). However, if it has, a good cleaning should clear all the problems.

Hey Man...
Tnx for tht piece of info...I am thinkin abt sendin it for a check-up...Se wat the docs have to say...I am plannin of using my dead Dvd drive from samsung as a cup holder in my car....

Kewl idea mate...

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