Cheapest calls

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Im using Airtel(post-paid) but the calls rates are very high & the bills are huge. The customer service is pathetic too.
Please suggest a cellular service which has the cheapest call rates, has good service & customer care.
My telecom circle is Punjab.

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Heard that Vergin cellular gives credit on calls recieved @ 10paise/call or min.
Also the call rates are 40paisa/min.

Need to know how's Vergin's service & quality?
Also what about Voda & Idea?
Im currently on Reliance. I pay Rs. 1 for 3 minutes to any number in India, any operator. But it is a post paid plan where Im charged 300-400 a month, but I get 300-400 in credit so that is about 1200 minutes free everymonth. My GF is on the reliance prepaid plan, where after 11pm all calls made to reliance numbers anywhere in india is free (some top up, not sure which). I have had several reception issues with reliance, but I put up with it cause its cheap and I get to talk when I really have to / need to. Their Edge service does not work on my Omnia I8910, neither does their WAP. But I dont use either =)

This was the cheapest option for me =)
Give a breakup of your average usage details..(no. of local mons,no. of STD mins, GPRs usage if any..)

it would lead to better suggestions
Usage breakup would be, all local calls & mainly to mobile phones only & some to landline.

@Noob, I already have a post paid connection - Airtel. With which Im not at all happy.

Also have a pre-paid no. & that's Airtel too! Not happy again want to replace with a better operator.

Basically need to make calls within local network only. The rates should be the lowest.

Not using GPRS, Msg & other services.
I guess you could go with docomo, get the base pack at 1p/sec all over India, then use one of the appropriate STV's..

27 All local calls of the day tariff of 40p/min (0.66p/sec) will be applicable, post 1st minute of the day tariff (Local or STD) to be charged at 1p/sec 6 24.48


49 Talk Double - All Local Mobile Calls on any network at 1p/ 2sec. 30 44.4

All plans available here

Prepay Offers

1 of the advantages of DOCOMO is that their online recharge is much easier to use than other's..

No need to remember which amount gives what talktime(except for full talktime, there you do need to remember), just select the appropriate pack on the page
Im keen on lifetime vaildity & tarrifs. Not those which keep on changing every now & then.

Will visit local Docomo store because find the website info. really confusing!

Also, I would to opt for a good no. of my choice. With which company is it the easiest?
start off with this plan:

101 1p/1sec on STD & Local calls anywhere in India 101 Lifetime NA*

then addon the cheaper tarrifs as you want. you are unlikely to get cheaper tarrifs for lifetime.

If your call patterns are appropriate, then you could go for Indicom Pay per call plan, but thats CDMA..

Cant say about the number thing though..
Now Im thinking, if CDMA turns out considerably cheaper, I might as-well try it!
After-all my main requirement is cheapest calls within local network.
Prepaid Plans from Tata Indicom providing a range of prepaid plans for you

It does come with some weird terms ..

"If you put the SIM in another handset, then the plan will be invalidated" ,etc..


Note for Pay per call Plan :

1. Each local call to be charged at Rs 1 for 10 minutes & each STD call to be charged at Rs 3 for 10 Minutes

2. Pulse for Local & STD call will be 600 secs

3. Pulse for Roaming calls will be 60 secs

4. This new starter kit allows keep talking benefit only with the purchase of a new handset on the tata indicom network , if sim is used with old & used handsets , the default tariffs of Rs 1/min for Local calls & 1.5/min for STD Calls . Local SMS @ Rs1 & National SMS @ Rs 1.5

5. Daily rental to be charged at Rs 1 per day

6. Keep talking plan is a stand alone plan & can not be coupled with any other special offers which has free talk time or free minutes built in.
I have docomo and the following under their normal plan

i) 1p per second all over india to any no.

ii) First 2 local msgs costs 60p each and then 100 local/STD messages free

iii) Roaming incoming and outgoing charged at 1p per sec

If u join the Buddy net scheme then (The person u call also should be under buddy net). This plan has a daily rental of 60p (comes to ~ Rs.18 per month)

i) Local calls to docomo buddy net members - 1p per 6sec (comes to 10p per min)

ii) STD calls to docomo buddy net members - 1p per 2sec (comes to 30p per min)

iii) 1p per sec to other local and STD nos or docomo nos not under buddy net scheme.

So this his the best u can get IMO :)
@Akash, Thanks, that seems to be a jolly good plan!

Catch is, one has to buy a handset from Tata too! Btw, how much does a cheapest handset from Indicom cost?
@Darkangel, again a good plan.
Sorry for being nooby, but is it GSM or CDMA?
DarkAngel said:
I have docomo and the following under their normal plan

i) 1p per second all over india to any no.

ii) First 2 local msgs costs 60p each and then 100 local/STD messages free

iii) Roaming incoming and outgoing charged at 1p per sec

If u join the Buddy net scheme then (The person u call also should be under buddy net). This plan has a daily rental of 60p (comes to ~ Rs.18 per month)

i) Local calls to docomo buddy net members - 1p per 6sec (comes to 10p per min)

ii) STD calls to docomo buddy net members - 1p per 2sec (comes to 30p per min)

iii) 1p per sec to other local and STD nos or docomo nos not under buddy net scheme.

So this his the best u can get IMO :)
teche said:
@Akash, Thanks, that seems to be a jolly good plan!

Catch is, one has to buy a handset from Tata too! Btw, how much does a cheapest handset from Indicom cost?

Around Rs 1000 to 1200

@Darkangel, again a good plan.

Sorry for being nooby, but is it GSM or CDMA?


For the messages , better plans are available now..

6 Unlimited local & national SMS @1p/SMS 30 5.43

38 Unlimited Local & National SMS Free/ day across all networks 30 34.45 (If you run out of the free messages, then this is better..)
teche said:
@Akash, Thanks, that seems to be a jolly good plan!

Catch is, one has to buy a handset from Tata too! Btw, how much does a cheapest handset from Indicom cost?
@Darkangel, again a good plan.
Sorry for being nooby, but is it GSM or CDMA?
Docomo is GSM
Sorry to bring up an old thread. Could some Mumbai DOCOMO users tell me how their service is? What handsets do you guys use. (Anyone on an iPhone) How are the speeds on EDGE, 3g, etc..

Update: Enquired from Aircel, cheapest call rates are 40p/min.
Docomo also has 40p/min.

Virgin gives 10p/min for incoming calls.

Airtel has the most pathetic customer service & billing.

Now would go in for a 3G sim with cheapest call rates within local calling circle.
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