Cheapest DX10 Card - MSI 8800GTS 320mb for 14k

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burnz said:
agree. local zebronics brand 8800GTS 320mb is also going for 19,999.

but 14k is still a decent deal on a MSI card, considering it's new and unopened ;)

I never said yours was a BAD deal. Its an awesome deal. But Kniwor was saying you could have sold it for 20-22k and I think that would not have been possible. Thats it.
Mohit said:
I never said yours was a BAD deal. Its an awesome deal. But Kniwor was saying you could have sold it for 20-22k and I think that would not have been possible. Thats it.

well, yeah I agree now after Mohit's post, I was unaware of the current prices....
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