Cheapest option to watch movies stored on Ext HDD

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No idea[DOUBLEPOST=1437898474][/DOUBLEPOST]I think it's best that I go for the Wd TV live which is available for 8.1k on Snapdeal with a 10% discount in Sibi cards will cost me 7.3k
I think it is quite future proof also as it has wifi and the latest features
But it does not have Android!
Not getting any viable solution
The unit should be able to support a external non powered hdd which nobody is coming forward to recommend

Had written to gear best also about the external hdd support confirmation but they have also not replied so I am presuming it cannot support it

In a dilemma what to do
Not getting any viable solution
The unit should be able to support a external non powered hdd which nobody is coming forward to recommend

Had written to gear best also about the external hdd support confirmation but they have also not replied so I am presuming it cannot support it

In a dilemma what to do
Shravank, I am really amazed that you are going through all this hastle just for a cheap media center that could play from your external hdd.

Really, latest rasberry pi with quad core processor and 1gb ram is the best alternative out there. It is extremely well documented with a huge developer support. Everything you need to know have been clearly shown on various youtube videos and forums.
If you are good at following instructions then there is no reason why you would have any problem with the Rpi. Setting it up is actually easier than installing windows. Also, you don't need to know anything about programming to actually use it. It also have a gui like windows itself. Supports keyboard and mouse. And as with any operating system. Its flexible enough to mod and includes newer codecs and functionality down the road.
It would definately support your external hdd through a powered usb hub which are available from Rs500 to 2000.

Its a complete portable computer. You can make it wifi and bluetooth enabled just by adding a dongle. Also it would support newer devices as well.

Everything else is just a waste of money.
Search youtube for rasberry pi and get your doubts cleared.
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This would have been a good option but i want the option to add a separately available .srt file when playing a video.
I dont think this player gives that option.
Thanks for advising

I checked with my Sony S1200, it reads .srt files placed in the same folder reasonably well. You need to use the menu option of Subtitles on.

It reads non powered external HDD very well.

My experience with RPI 2 has been problematic.

1. Though RPI 2 appears cheap at 3k, the minimum accessories like box, micro SD card, power adapter would add to cost of 1.5k easily, WiFi and BT is extra cost. Remote module isn't cheap either. You need to buy certain codec support, which isn't mentioned.

2. I've tried all versions of Kodi available for RPI 2, it's very slow and frustrating at times.
It becomes too laggy when you add files to library and various plug-ins.
Instead it's RPI os runs better, but again it's slow in multimedia Dept.

3. It's not very user friendly either, there's a method to increase the RAM cache by installing a plug-in from a different source which never worked for me. So I felt it's tedious to maintain and run for recreational purposes. If you are OK with endless tinkering go ahead with it. Obviously it's a small PC with endless possibilities but not very user friendly.

I'd prefer Android media dongle like Mk 808b over RPI 2 for media consumption purpose.

If you are looking to buy WD live @ 8.5k, I'd suggest you to consider Samsung HD 6500 Blu-ray player @10k with faster processor, built in WiFi etc. You can Cast from your mobile device easily.

I have a unused Asus OPlay HDPR1. Bought 3 yrs back. Let me know if you are interested. Have used it only 5-6 times. Played all formats without any issues.

I would be interested if the price is attractive and I get a week testing time

It would have to be shipped to Bangalore

Also please let me know how it is different from Asus o play mini, if you know the same. I tried to google and check but could not readily find any difference

Thanks for advising[DOUBLEPOST=1438006534][/DOUBLEPOST]
Have you considered Amkette EvoTV?

Did not want to stick out my neck to try out these brands

Have you got any idea about this item?

Thanks for advising
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Did not want to stick out my neck to try out these brands
"These brands"?
Come on!
I am not sure if you recall that Amkette has been a leading manufacturer of magnetic storage devices in India since 1980s!
EvoTV is a computer running Android OS having multiple USB, Audio and Video outputs and wifi connectivity.
This may help you with latest codecs and formats and apps compared to Asus OPlay and WD live which are close ended systems and no one knows when they release their updates to accomodate the latest formats and codecs.

Amkette may be known for Floppy disks etc., but in the recent years haven't heard much about them.
As such would not like to buy a Amkette and stick with WD or Asus

Thanks for advising
Shipping in Oct

Did you order the G1 or G2 and how much did they say the shipping would be? looks very tempting, polished and supports HEVC/H265. Negatives are the need for a power adaptor. USB 2.0 and 802.11N I think I can live with. Weird that they don't want you to root devices.
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Woops..I had edited my post but forgot to hit send

$50 seems perfect for a media player. Hope they aren't using regular airmail. Those packages from China/HK never reach me


YIKES! shipping to India is $30
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One more query

If I use a Raspberry pi or some other similar device, it may require a powered usb to attach the external hdd

I am not able to understand how I will attach my external hdd to the powered usb.
My external hdd has only 1 usb cable and that I have to put into the powered usb hub. Now how will I attach the usb hub to the Raspberry pi or any other media player? Through a 2Nd Usb cable from the powered hub to the device .

Will the media player recognise the hdd .

Thanks for advising?
^^ you'll need a split USB cable... commonly known as Y cable. select the one which has the same connector types as on your Pi and HDD.
^^ you'll need a split USB cable... commonly known as Y cable. select the one which has the same connector types as on your Pi and HDD.

Thanks for the reply
Am i correct that i should discard the original cable which came with my HDD & replace the same with a Y USB Cable of this type?

The single end of the cable would go into the HDD and the Y ends would go into the Mediaplayer and the powered USB Hub.

Am I correct ?

Thanks for advising
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