0-20k Cheapest upgrade of current PC - core 2 duo

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As title suggested looking to upgrade at a lowest budget desktop for light browsing and causal game, copying files. Right now the below config uses Win XP and not able to install either Win 8.1 or 10 into the system from USB flash drive :( Taking ages when flash drive is inserted.

Love to keep as much components as possible if i can use win 10. No linux please as my sister is not comfortable at all. Tried installing Linux but she didn't like it.

Also how can I copy the content from IDE disk to SATA for storage of files?
  1. What is your budget?
    • 10K ( lowest possible budget)- can extend upto 15k
  2. What is your existing hardware configuration (component name - component brand and model)
    • CPU - Intel 6600 core 2 duo
    • Motherboard – Intel DG965RY
    • GPU - NONE
    • RAM – Corsair gaming RAM 2-2 GB DDR2 (CGM2x2G800)
    • Monitor – Samsung 2048 (VGA port only)
    • PSU - thermal lake 450 model number LT-450NL2Nk
    • Intel SSD 520 series (120GB)
    • Seagate or WD 500 GB SATA Drive (7200rmp)
    • seagate160GB IDE drive (legacy) - Currently having XP OS
  3. Which hardware will you be keeping (component name - component brand and model)
    • Monitor and have a 2nd monitor GE24 FULL HD Gaming
    • PSU
    • Intel SSD - For Win 10
    • SATA Disk - For storage
  4. Which hardware component are you looking to buy (component name). If you have already decided on a configuration then please mention the (component brand and model) as well, this will help us in fine tuning your requirement.
    • CPU -
    • Motherboard - any compatible motherboard
    • RAM
  5. Is this going to be your final configuration or you would be adding/upgrading a component in near future. If yes then please mention when and which component
    • No intention to upgrade want to reuse the component which can work at most
  6. Where will you buy this hardware? (Online/City/TE Dealer)
    • Hyderabad
    • Open to online purchase
  7. Would you consider buying a second hand hardware from the TE market
    • Yes/No
  8. What is your intended use for this PC/hardware
    • Browsing Internet
    • Causal win 10 games (hidden object, 3 match dash)
    • Videos
  9. Do you have any brand preference or dislike? Please name them and the reason for your preference/dislike.
    • Less cost to upgrade is the preference
  10. If you will be playing games then which type of games will you be playing?
    • Mentioned in point 8 (win 10 causal games from store)
  11. What is your preferred monitor resolution for gaming and normal usage
    1. Desktop 1200X900
    2. FULL HD in future ( I have a 2nd monitor GE24)
  12. Are you looking to overclock?
    • Never
  13. Which operating system do you intend to use with this configuration?
    • Windows 10
You can upgrade to and ryzen 3 3200g and gigabyte a320 motherboard with crucial basics 8gb ram. It might cot round 16k.
Core 2 quad is not officially support on Intel DG965RY, though some quad CPUs run.
You may try PC service/used PC sale shop, if they have any quad CPU and test there itself if it will run.
Core 2 quad will be less than 2K
HYPERX FURY 8GB (8GBX1) DDR4 2666MHZ @ 2650/-
Total : 14400/-
Option 2
: Pentium Gold @5500+Compatible Mbd @4000 +RAM @2700 = 12200/-
Option 3: Check on buy/sell section for used deals!

There are cheap zebronics motherboards available for c2d,c2q. These support ddr3 memory. Amazon and flipkart both sell very cheap core 2 quads. Zeb mobo(Rs 2700), Q9300(Rs 1700),2x4gb DDR3 ram( Rs 3000) would get you a fairly decent upgrade for 7500.
"No linux please as my sister is not comfortable at all. Tried installing Linux but she didn't like it." There are distributions (Linux Mint) whose GUI, desktop environments are intentionally similar to windows to help Windows users migrate to linux. Unless your sister is doing lots of custom power user stuff I don't see why she can't linux. There are fewer settings on the surface to bungle things up, mostly everything works out of the box. As for your current hardware, more RAM will not do much, but DDR3 will be good. So a mobo upgrade could be considered. Although I have no idea in buying stuff that old.
Many used Dell optiplex 3010 and 7010 can be bought for under 12k , u can buy one with i5 3470 or similar , these have been used in mnc/offices are are great bang for buck , look for the computer market in your locality that sells used pc, they will have it or check OLX. 12k is for full cabinet with cpu,mb,ram,hdd,psu , in case u wanna upgrade u can even throw in a low profile gpu like gt1030 or gtx1650
However if u want to buy new only buy as said above for ryzen 3 or pentium gold
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Also, the 7000 series have four ram slots vs just two for the 3000 series. The extra slots allow you to use very inexpensive used 4GB modules (they start at 725 each with seller warranty) to get to 16GB cost effectively.

Pricing starts at 7500 for an 3rd generation i3 based Dell Optiplex 7010 with GST bill. I'd suggest avoiding 2nd generation Optiplex's - there's a significant jump in the maturity of design with the 3rd generation and onwards.

Some sellers even sell barebones (motherboard, heatsink, case, power supply) for around 4000. This lets you hunt around for deals on i3's and ram while using your existing storage devices.

These motherboards can usually be easily transplanted into regular cases later on, if you'd want to upgrade with a graphics card and standard power supply.
Also, the 7000 series have four ram slots vs just two for the 3000 series. The extra slots allow you to use very inexpensive used 4GB modules (they start at 725 each with seller warranty) to get to 16GB cost effectively.

Pricing starts at 7500 for an 3rd generation i3 based Dell Optiplex 7010 with GST bill. I'd suggest avoiding 2nd generation Optiplex's - there's a significant jump in the maturity of design with the 3rd generation and onwards.

Some sellers even sell barebones (motherboard, heatsink, case, power supply) for around 4000. This lets you hunt around for deals on i3's and ram while using your existing storage devices.

These motherboards can usually be easily transplanted into regular cases later on, if you'd want to upgrade with a graphics card and standard power supply.
Buying barebones is what I did , got motherboard , i5 3470 , 16gb ram for 4k, bought one antec case for 2300 and 1060 used for 7.5k also bought antec 450 watt psu and assembled it, I had 2 problems though the motherboard align ment was not perfect had to use a kind of contraption to secure the motherboard in case as 3 screws were aligned , dint have a lot of problem but yeah it was something I had to do. Also had to goto 24 to 8pin power converter and that was it . Works perfectly cheapest bang for buck
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To add, Antec cases have surprisingly high build quality and finish, far more than their meager price difference over the depressingly flimsy Zebronics/Intex cases would suggest. Honestly, I could not see any difference in the gauge of metal, finishing of the edges and quality of power coating between in a 18.5k Cooler Master H500M and a 2.5k Antec VSK 3000 Elite.
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