China Has Managed To Successfully Surpass South Korea In All Categories Of Semiconductor Technology, At Least According To A Survey Of Local Experts



China Has Managed To Successfully Surpass South Korea In All Categories Of Semiconductor Technology, At Least According To A Survey Of Local Experts​

South Korea was also behind China when comparing AI semiconductors, showing a shift in the tide from three years ago

The trade sanctions enforced by the U.S. on China appear to have the completely opposite effect as the country seemingly finds ways to defy goliath-sized odds and gain victory against competing regions. On the topic of semiconductors, a survey that comprised of experts revealed that South Korea is actually trailing behind China in all categories of chip-making, signalling the need to pursue more advanced manufacturing processes.

In the previous assessments, it was revealed that China struggled against South Korea, but a lot can transpire in a couple of years. As reported by The Korea Times, a survey conducted by the Korea Institute of S&T Evaluation and Planning that included 39 local experts ranked their country second in high-intensity and resistance-based memory technology. With the benchmark set at 100 percent, South Korea obtained a score of 90.9 percent, trailing behind China, with a score of 94.1 percent.

It was also revealed that in the category of high-performance and efficient AI semiconductors, China had the edge against its rival nation, achieving a score of 88.3 percent. In comparison, South Korea attained a score of 84.1 percent. Regarding power semiconductors, South Korea stood at an abysmal 67.5 percent, with China towering over its competitor with a score of 79.8 percent.

In the next-generation high-performance sensor technology, South Korea managed to bridge the gap with an 81.3 percent result, but China was on top with 83.9 percent. The only occasion where the countries tied was in advanced semiconductor packaging technology, with both nations scoring 74.2 percent. The situation was entirely different in 2022, and now it appears that China and South Korea have switched places.

It is possible that this change has a positive impact on South Korea’s competitiveness in the semiconductor industry. Just recently, we reported that Samsung’s semiconductor head, Park Yong-in, urged employees of the System LSI division to share both the responsibility and burden of developing flagship products to gain an edge in the market. We should learn about the progress of South Korea’s semiconductor strides in the coming months, and hopefully, this survey will be an eye-opener for multiple local institutions.


Seems like if South Korea is trailing behind China then what about us, Indians. We might be some 20 years behind China right. Now what will Trump do with this report.