Chinese N95


How good is buying Chinese N95. One of my friend got this from Gaffar for 6.5k and that too with touchscreen enabled :p

Would this last for a year or 6month with extensive usage??

I can post pics of this cell if someone wants to see.
yeah 2 days back even i saw a guy with a phone didnt even looked a slider phone ..but it was a touch screen phone and had N95 written in the top left corner.

i at once it that it must be some chinese copy of the phone..

but just wanted to know how good are these ?? what are the specifications or the features of the phone..any one knows ?
pix ? ...
well the main thing here is how good the phone is ? and im not talkin the build and the screen and the music and the touchpad...there are some other factors like radiation from the phone and stuff......
many would say that well even Nokia's / SE's / Moto's are made in China these days...but then ....branded company do follow some norms afterall....this stuff can be a nice show-off and "might" affect u in other ways as well.....but then its a very controvertial i leave it lite here....
Would be updating pics from home. My boss see me loading pics and hell screw me.

The build is good and is exactly same as my boss original N95 and he is so pissed :p

just the diff original 95 has no touch while this one has touch :p
Roxtin said:
Would be updating pics from home. My boss see me loading pics and hell screw me.

The build is good and is exactly same as my boss original N95 and he is so pissed :p

just the diff original 95 has no touch while this one has touch :p

naah there are lots of differences..buddy..

the original N95 has a state of the art 5 mega pixel camera ..while the china one has a 2MP cam..

and the N95 i guess comes with 160 MB internal memory..3.5 mm headphones jack, 3G with front camera..and not to forget its NOKIA..

but for 6.5 k..i dont think tht the china one is that bad..kind of show ppl who dunno much ..about mobiles but i still think its better to stay away from fakes..

if u really want to go for something which has lots of features ..and is not expensive..try Fly phones..they are not that good and sturdy .

will last around 1-2 years..thats it..but come with lots of features and are really cheap.. i guess theres warranty also..

i saw a 3.2 mp touchscreen Fly phone for just 11k..

Heres more about Fly..i guess its some European company launched in india..

Fly India
Pics of this chinese 95

Indeed not many functions like no wifi, outer menu is disabled, also OS does not looks like Symbian but still nice showoff if someone can spare or lets say throw 6k :p
Save ur 6.5k for something better and original,bro...i agree with hanzy on the radiation thing..a few days back they showed how dangerous and toxic chinese toys are for human beings, on some news channel...same holds true for sophisticated devices like a cellphone which emits radio signals...and since its a fake, there r no regulations to stop them from using hazardous frequencies which can seriously affect ur health...and thr is no guarantee it'll last for evn a couple of days..:no:

The chinese are dubious ppl...n so r their fake products...:no: Their cheap products are turning into a plague for the whole world...:no:

N the conspiracy theorist in me says, they r doing it intentionally to sicken the ppl of the whole world, especially the 3rd world countries..;)

Neways, its your money...u know whats best to do with it..;)
Private Ryan said:
N the conspiracy theorist in me says, they r doing it intentionally to sicken the ppl of the whole world, especially the 3rd world countries..;)

rofl nice saying :p. BTW I am not going to buy this shit was just asking how good is this thing :)
obviously if you compare the cost of the original to the cost of the chinese fake..........the question of how good it is ,is explained there itself
Well... I saw one of these models with one of the lab assistants where I work. It was pretty responsive, got a good keypad and touchscreen very very good audio quality and dual sims. I know that these things gotta have a downside... its just very difficult to find them out. Also they were not packaged as nokia phones.

Check out their website China mobile phone wholesale - China mobile phone <--- most phones there come in the 3-6k range.

I do not condone any products mentioned in this thread btw(including the original nokias which is a pos ripoff at the price they sell it at) :p.
my frnd has one he got it frm hongkong for 4k..and it has sound better than original n95....the other frnd who has original feel sicks when this guy is ard..lolz

its better but not the one shown in picts or the fake picts we found on net......right now no prob with the guy...but even if it last a year its worth that u can stick to someone for 2-3k...but no stores buy no resale value ard corner