I guess the problem is not only with the modded one's but even with the original one's. Paul on his website "winsupersite.com"
says he has been using 3rd Xbox360 since 2005.Ofcourse he wouldn't be using modded one's since he claiming warranty
from Microsoft.Looks like Microsoft will have start working on improving it's Xbox360 or else it will definately loose market inspite of having such a good position.
I hope the Elite version doesn't have such flaws...
Recently got a pre-modded 360 (Beginning of March). Dunno which mod chip though, is there a way of checking? Guess I'll ask the dealer. Everything's peachy so far. I haven't tried hooking it up online for obvious reasons. But I do wanna update games, get fixes etc. Do you guys know of any people who have done so? And played on Xbox Live without any problems?
And one more thing. Anyone know where in Mumbai I could get the following:
Alpha in parle has that xbox 360 VGA box available with them. Saw it on shelf there a day before
Also if Alpha is selling the chipped version, its wont be bad to buy from them. From my experience alpha does not ditch the customers. They will repair if and when needed even if its without warranty stuff.