Chris Benoit & Family Found Dead

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World Wrestling Entertainment is deeply saddened to report that today Chris Benoit and his family were found dead in their home. There are no further details at this time, other than the Benoit family residence is currently being investigated by local authorities.

Tonight’s Raw on USA Network will serve as a tribute to Chris Benoit and his family. WWE extends its sincerest thoughts and prayers to the Benoit family’s relatives and loved ones in this time of tragedy.
WWE: Inside WWE > News > Chris Benoit and family found dead

R.I.P Rabid Wolverine :(
:'( The elite wrestlers are leaving WWE and .. Benoit the Rabi Wolverine.. One of the best wrestlers who never fear anything while match.. Has also left us :'( I am very sad .. One of my favourite left the world :'( We will miss you Benoit :'( RIP :'(
I know this whole WWE thing is fake, BUT.. the death of Benoit is shocking. He was a legend.

May his soul RIP.
Well, WWE is completely fake, so I stopped watching it a long time ago, but like Anish, Benoit was 1 of my favorites.

I hope they can confirm to cause. A Murder/Suicide is crazy. How could Chris kill his own Wife and Kid, and then himself? :S
Aditya said:
Well, WWE is completely fake, so I stopped watching it a long time ago, but like Anish, Benoit was 1 of my favorites.
I hope they can confirm to cause. A Murder/Suicide is crazy. How could Chris kill his own Wife and Kid, and then himself? :S

Illegitimate angle
WHAT!??!!? WTF!?!?!? omg my favorate wrestler!!!!This is horrible, im soo soo shocked!!...R.I.P Chris and family. :(
His fights wid Eddie were legendary ..

i kno i shdnt use the word befitting .. bt he followed his famed rival mch in the same manner..

WWE is fake .. bt ppl like him infused life in WWE .. RIP Benoit n Family ..
Stop saying WWE is fake over and over again. Don't like the sport then don't freakin' post in its thread. WWE comes under a section of Sports called Sports Entertainment, further in Pro-Wrestling.

Pro-Wrestling is understood to be scripted to provide a class of movie-type entertainment and feuds. Fans watch it because it entertains them, they watch it for the wrestling and storylines, and knowing its scripted doesn't do anything for the same reason people watch movies, and even ****ing cry in emo scenes when they know its all acting.

Nor do WWE/TNA etc even try to pretend like its all real, listen to what Mr.McMahon says in here :

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The sport is about how the wrestlers can mesmerize the audience with their actions, nothing more and nothing less.

This is not directed at any one person here, just clearing the general opinion we have here about the sport. A legend just passed away here, and its very hard for some of us fans to digest it easily as we, or at least I, have been watching them every week for as long as I can remember the past, last thing I need is people trying to express their opinion about the sport in a day like this.
totally agree with params, even movies are fake so stop watching movies. :D

wwe is pure entertainment, when i have the time i dont miss it.
The very fact that word Wrestling is used renders it a bit on the lower side..

m not trying to argue wid u in any regard.. bt just creating another category .. "Sports entertaintment" doesnt really gives it a free entry ..

If this so called "PRO" wrestling was anything to be hailed and really applaudable .. then y only wrestling .. other sports like American football , soccer , boxing wd hv jumped in it too .. there is scope .. isnt it ..??

If u can spare and justify the Scripted wrestling ... i think u wdnt hv shown one moment of despair wen match fixing scandal in cricket came to light and wen Indian cricketers too were punished .. or did u ??

I too loved the fights at WWE .. the refrees and the players wd act dumb at times only to follow the script .. and get the results out only so that u can bring in the moolah ..Wolverine was a legend .. bt all his performances .. all his emotions .. his grit .. all were supposed to be coming out at a particular moment .. not instinctively.. Sports is smthin real .. this is sheer tomfoolery

Acting / Drama is one thing .. Sports is something very diff .. u dont mix em ..

No offense here bro ... :)
Dude...this is ecw site it says that the officials believe that he killed his wife and his 7 yr old kid...he's not such a person!!! No way
^ LOL wat a bunch of bullocks...Benoit was one of the nicest and friendliest wrestlers around, he loved hes family more than anything in this world, he would never ever have done such a thing.
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