Noooo! I really liked him, i always play season mode with him on SvsR!!!
This is some sick stuff!!! I used to watch WWE/WWF a long time ago and i';d always watch his matches, this is some very shocking news!!!
I left watching WWE long ago...but this news is really shocking...:O Ppl may love watching them jump, break a neck, growl or writh in pain but no one wants to see 'em die...:no: May his soul rest in peace...
He killed his wife and his child and then apparently placed bibles near their bodies before hanging himself..... i dunno too much about wrestling but his actions don't suggest him being perfectly sane .... :no: they also found steroids and other medications in his place...dangerous life style...unstable head....leads to stuff like this....:no:
One could've never imagined Benoit of all people being capable of doing this.
Its so sad Benoit's book had to end like this. One of the most respected Canadian wrestler ever, second to Bret Hart himself. He's given so much for every company he worked for.
WWE will now not talk about Benoit ever, no tribute shows or anything, they are distancing themselves from Benoit.
It was just so recent when both Eddie and Benoit cried in joy after winning the WWE and World Heavyweight belts in WM, both of them gone now.
This is horrible. So owen heart and Chris Candido are the only wrestlers who didn't die due to steriods.
Its appalling to see the amount of damage people do to themselves for some fame and money. Here young men keep dying from heart attacks, and Vince McMahon keeps laughing all the way to the bank.
Just sleep over it, stop making a fuss! The WWF/WWE has a way of turning real life incidents and tragedies into entertainment - they've always been that way. It became a business when the 90's kicked in, until then it was pure fun.