Chronicles of TechBoi on orkut...

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Well here is smthing intresting for all of you Techboi fans... this is what happenned just a couple of mins before...Suddenly out of nowhere Techboi starting sending me msgs through orkut... What started off as an irritating experirnce for me...ended up leaving me in splits...

TB:Saw 'Hindu' in the religion of a few people. What do you define as being a Hindu which separated you from the crowd?

IceWhat defines me as a hindu is simply the fact that i am inclined more towards the so called "Hindu" gods than other gods...
It isnt that i dont beleive in them...its just my inclination..

TBI just didn't get it. What do you mean by 'inclination'?

IceBy inclination i mean that i am devoted towards them..

TBDoes this mean that you will follow what they say and you won't follow what other Gods say if that hasn't been said by Hindu gods?

Icewhy would i do anything that even they say....i dont care what any1 says dude... i do what i want...
and why dont u ask straight what u want to know... y going around in circles creating questions from my replies..

TBThen what do you mean by being 'devoted'?
As for going around in circles, I think you must be already knowing TB well enough for that it is in plain layman english...
I choose to give more preference to hindu gods in terms of my mindset and my beleifs. I dont follow what they say or what they dont say, neither do i follow what other religions do. By saying i am a hindu i simply portray that i pray to all gods, but majority of the times i pray to Hindu gods.
Its not that i dont beleive in Gods, but its also that i choose what to beleive in.

TBCrack the code if you can:
'TB is my guardian at Orkut. I am TB

TBThis is exactly what I wanted to point out. Not one person, not one would actually know what being an Hindu is. In short HINDU stands for:

H Humility
I Individuality
N Nationality
D Devotion
U Unity

One more thing, if you are truly a Hindu, you must know that God is One, and this is laid down in EACH religion.
btw, did you crack the code?

Icewhy in god's name would i care what Hindu stands for... and since when does HINDU start having an alpabetical wise meaning in English...
yeah GOD is one... sounds good in 1 really beleives in that...Every 1 just says they do...
I dont care about the i aint even trying
TBeach word will probably have a meaning, this is how they are made. Take MAN for example. Do you think the world is so weak? If you discover the right things, there is much to it.
btw, what are you doing at 1AM at night?

Iceeach letter of the word has a meaning...
Try getting me the meaning of Simultaneously..
Apparently i am asnwering your stupid questions at 1 in the night...

TBWhy the hell do I have a Joker avatar, when I could have chosen SRK instead?

Icemaybe u have that picture so that u can justify your banning from TE...

TBlol, I can't get the meaning of each word. It is God who can tell you. I read HINDU and MAN in a divine book, he he won't be giving each and every one like that. Go ask God!

I wanna ask you onething, is there any way that I be able to send messages to friends of friends OR be able to add all friends of a friend of mine without doing that individually?

TBis that the limit of your being humourous?

anyway, please tell me of the question I just asked you in the previous message. about the friend of friend
this conversation is kind of at the stop after i msged that i dont know anything abt his question... if it continues.. you would have a part 2 of this :p
Aditya said:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

This guy is unbelievable!

hes' a pr0 haXXor..:rofl: :rofl:

im registering on Anadtech & Orkut now just to see his messages . . . super timepass..sometimes i wonder if u peeps had to really ban him..:p :cool2:
thanks ppl.

btw I have left AT.
But I promise you a rocking time at Orkut and if possible at TE as well.

For those interested please join Tech Enclave (TB centered version of TE).
Add Techboi @TE to your friends list.

Yeah, the other places don't ban him. We shouldn't either. Our lifespans will increase. After all, laughter is the best medicine.
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