Civilization V

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the game should release in india, possibly priced at 699. the distributor has said that it will come next week, but then the distributor is usually full of crap so i'd guess it will take 3 weeks or so.
i didnt understand anything in civ3

then recently played civ4 and 2 weeks went by in a flash, i hadnt slept, eaten or showered. good thing the game ended or i would have been X[

made sure to delete the game after that :P

veryy afraid to try civ5

spin,where you nowdays? was it bhopal?
i'm in baroda man.

and seriously, you should reinstall civ 4. there is a mod out called 'fall from heaven' which is a turn based, dark fantasy d&d inspired campaign. i think that would be a wet dream for you :P
bhopal baroda sound same enough :p

don't tempt me

i just spent a week playing doukutsu monogatari and trying to get the best ending...still stuck X[
those who don't know how to play civ bad for u ur really missing something work up ur brain a bit lol

really liked civ3 man spent whole days without eating and stuff my parents used to shout at me for this

but didn't like civ4 tat much currently hav it i play onlyn sometimes

i think civ5 would be a disappointment for true civ series fans but good for newbie to start with
Can we in India buy this through steam? that 699 price is pretty good if true.

The Civ4 game itself was already quite good, but the various mods really extended its life.

BTW, like most of IGN article, the above listed article is pure fluff...
To all the Civ gurus here, i have a query guys please let me know how to proceed. Im trying to capture a City-State (Singapore) and ive reduced the health bar it has down to the last segment, but the problem is its a "Single" Island with no land connected to it. How am it to capture it? i keep on bombarding it but the last segment just wont go away? Any help would be appreciated.
memnom said:
To all the Civ gurus here, i have a query guys please let me know how to proceed. Im trying to capture a City-State (Singapore) and ive reduced the health bar it has down to the last segment, but the problem is its a "Single" Island with no land connected to it. How am it to capture it? i keep on bombarding it but the last segment just wont go away? Any help would be appreciated.

u need ground units like(army) like swordsman to capture the city

u Cannot capture cities by air units,artillery,ships,
Ground units can 'embark' in water after researching technologies. Optics is required for movement is shallow water while Astronomy allows for movement on oceans too. Research those techs then you can move the ground units on water too. There is no concept of a transport ship like previous Civ games.
Embarking isn't the problem mate. Say for example im using a Pikeman unit as soon as they embark near the city, the city bombards it and sinks the damn embarked unit. I have to take more than 2 or three then.

thanks guys.
I am in my first game now and will check this out. The AI will target weaker units and due to the new 1UPT design, there is no way to protect the weak embarked units.

Only other suggestion I have is to increase the movement points available to embarked units so that you can keep the city-capture unit out of the city bombard range. I am guessing Astronomy does that and there is also a wonder which increases movement points of water-based units(not sure about embarked units). Some civilizations have a bonus to water movement but that wouldn't solve the core issue.
Just had a go at the game, clocked 17 hrs last weekend :P

The AI seems rather aggressive, getting into a military assault earlier on in the game. Anyone has won the game without military dominance?
^ I have won the game with a scientific victory (when u get the giant death robot)

Also with military dominance ( everything was green as i was playing as India .. feels nice when u annex London lol)

And with time based win (when u reach the year 2050 they count ur CIV points and declare the winner)

But there is always one .......... last ......... turn

PS - I blame Sheru for my CIV5 addiction ( never played any of the earlier games but played this one continuously for 6 hrs at night and 6 hrs in the afternoon before leaving it )

damn u sharekhan !!! He won the race to Alpha Centauri.
Started playing Civ 5 last week :D

Didn't like the fact that your civ can't be agile. You have to set your aims early on in the game on a particular victory type and stick with it. Or maybe I haven't played the game enough yet. Otherwise, an excellent game!
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