Monitors CMV 720-d 17" LCD 8ms

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Hi there i was Just interested in this 17" LCD for Gaming. Its an 8ms one with nice

specs & attractive pricing of Around Rs.15,000($330 approx)

check the specs here
Click Here

The"d" model has a DVI port as well. Just wanted to know if someone has some

Experience on the Product or not.

I had one Question, i do not have a Good Graphics card at the moment. But im

sure to buy an ATi X800 soon. I do not have a DVI out port on my mobo, is there a

DIGITAL to ANALOG converter that can make me connect my DV LCD to the analog

RGB out on my MOBO just as u get DVI - to Analog converter

don't go by response times.... picture quality, contrast ratio, dead pixel policy play a bigger role...

i bought my sasmung 710n recently for 19k... even though viewsonic offered their 8 ms model for 17k.. the reason being picture quality.. u can easily easily notice the difference between a samsung and a viewsonic lcd... viewsonic has gr8 LCDs in USA.. but in India the distys import the crap ones

So my suggestion is don't just look at the response time and buy an LCD... neways CMV is not as good as Samsung or Sony or Philips.

I'd recommend you this :
VGA to DVI adapters are available if thats what you mean, have seen them bundled with cards. No clue if they're available separately, but most probably they should.
No its the other way ound... There are DVI to VGA adaptors which are available... I have a 6800 GT and a 6600 GT both have all DVI ports and no vga port but there are DVI to VGA connectors available... I dont think the other way round i.e. VGA->DVI ports available...
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