CoD4 or CoD:waw or TF2 ?

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I want to start with an FPS for some online MP action. Which out of these 3 should I go for ?

Factors to consider

-> Should be fun. :)
-> Should have a healthy online community which doesn't diminish in the near future.
-> Should have some sort of developer/community support in terms of extra content.
-> Which of them involves the most amt of tactics, I know all are run and gun but still. ( I have Swat 4 and R6V background :P )

Could you guys pls enlighten me. Its just that I take my gaming seriously and don't want to start with a wrong choice.
Well COD-WaW is only good for co-op Zombie bashing, can't comment on TF2 as never played it. As for COD4, its got a large gamer and developer community support. Lot of Indian folks play it, including me and it ain't gonna die anytime soon so jump in! Just get XFire and searrch for Indian servers for COD4 through it. ATM there are 3 24x7 online Indian COD4 servers which run Promod.
-> Should be fun. :) --TF2
-> Should have a healthy online community which doesn't diminish in the near future.-- TF2 and COD 4
-> Should have some sort of developer/community support in terms of extra content. TF2 >>>>> COD 4
-> Which of them involves the most amt of tactics, I know all are run and gun but still. COD4 >> TF2
you can choose which you want to play.. For me TF2 is best thats only multiplayer I play even though I have COD4 and COD waw.Tried cod 4 a few times but nothing beats TF2.
Multiplayer fun is definitely TF2. And you can be sure that the community of millions of people will not vanish suddenly when backed by Valve. And if you look at some pro players (check out vids at youtube or gotfrag), you will see that a lot of tactics are required to master the gameplay. :)
One has to play tf2 to experience the fun and game play, I haven't played WAW, but definitely Tf2>>>Cod4, for the overall experience, and people think in tf2, you don't need tactics and strategy, I beg to differ, its paramount in the game with different classes unless you plan, your gonna fail!

So I would say start off with Tf2, am sure you will get hooked, and then you can try out Cod4.
Tf2 all the way. The only problem in tf2 is that sometimes you join a server and all the retards are on your team :P and it gets really annoying then when no one cooperates. If the team communicates with each other via voice it gets really intense. :)

BTW The game hooks you and doesnt let go. I've done 12hrs+ in a row on tf2 its so good.
TF2 fits the fill. The game is fun, run and gun if you want. if you want tactics, skill and execution, thats there too. The game is an example of outstanding devloper support with the game having evolved and grown in terms of size by 150% since launch.
Dr.ashish said:
-> Should be fun. :) --TF2 (Uber fun!!!)
-> Should have a healthy online community which doesn't diminish in the near future.-- TF2 and COD 4
-> Should have some sort of developer/community support in terms of extra content. TF2 >>>>> COD 4
-> Which of them involves the most amt of tactics, I know all are run and gun but still. COD4 >> TF2
you can choose which you want to play.. For me TF2 is best thats only multiplayer I play even though I have COD4 and COD waw.Tried cod 4 a few times but nothing beats TF2.

Same here :) Personal experience.

TF2 is a unique must-play multiplayer game including 9 unique characters to play with. Great maps and unique game modes like push the cart etc. Also it gets regularly updated with better character weapons, techniques, more maps, more game-modes, and hence is just aweesom amount of fun, teamwork and tactics (rocketjump, uber-capture, etc. :P )
TF2 ftw, that is the answer of all your questions.. It has huge amount of online players, timely updates, great support and the FUN that you wont find in other games :D
i bought tf2 few days ago and its so addictive and fun

<3 TF2 and cod4

Cod4 is also a awesome multiplayer game
BTW guys, im thinking of getting CoD4. Are there any good active Indian/Asian servers?

if not then i'll go for the PS version =/
Ambar said:
BTW guys, im thinking of getting CoD4. Are there any good active Indian/Asian servers?

if not then i'll go for the PS version =/

No way dude,FPS is meant to be played on the comp! dunno how u enjoy it with a controller, I seriously struggle!!!
There are tons of Internode SG server's with 120-140 ping, and there are a few indian servers too, but need to find em!
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