CoD4 or CoD:waw or TF2 ?

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Ryunosuke said:
Bhai get XFire & all ur server related issues will b resolved.
jus got it bhai, but Cod4 aint showing up in my installed games, its coz i have on a diff partition and dint install it on my new windows again?...I did add the exe manually, but doesnt show up on the server tab :(
My COD4 too is on a different partition but even after various OS re-install, it gets easily detected by xfire, no problem here.
Get TF2. With that you will also be able to install Insurgency for free. Those who have played Insurgency can tell you that it's one of the best tactical game around.
vishnuhost said:
TF2 if you need multiplayer. COD4 in multiplayer mode sucks!

cod4 mp is actually pretty cool. i played it a few weeks ago for a while and it was always entertaining. the biggest problem is finding servers for it now... there are about 3-4 clan servers in india, with probably 1 populated at nights. a couple of servers in malaysia/singapore with pings of 120 which is quite difficult to play at. rest were european servers where pings were just too high.
CoD4 MP is pretty good. addicted me within an hour..too bad I dont own the original.

CoD5 MP tries to improve on CoD4MP and fails miserably due to the bad maps and weapons
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