Codemaster's Fuel in May 09 and New Trailer

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Fuel turbos to retail May 2009 (plus: first in-game trailer) - Joystiq
Codemasters has just revealed that Fuel -- an open-world, off-road racer that claims to make Burnout Paradise seem like a postage stamp in scale -- will begin cruising the countryside sometime this May.

To promote this momentous announcement, a freshly greased Fuel trailer has made its way online, showcasing some in-game footage. If the trailer's first thirty seconds are anything to go (anywhere) by, then Fuel's open world element just might be enough to differentiate it among the competition and demand our attention.
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i wud love the Fuel after being a hard-core GRID fan! :yeah:

UPDATE: Jst saw the trailer... If this game has a GRID-type physics engine, its gona be....................................................................Legendary
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