Company selection Urgent

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Training is mediocre. But any training you get won't really help you on the job so its ok. Enjoy your greenfield time and focus on the work assigned the learnings are always there.

Accenture is a nice platform to launch a career from for sure.
Guys thank you very much for your thoughtful advice.

Got a call from CTS, took it, the main thing was NO BOND. So in case i clear my MBA entrance within a year I can easily leave the job without any hassles. Also a bit laid back job (at least I hope).
malefic said:
I am in the same dilemma. But decided to join infy just because of training. If my MBA or gate exam goes well I will surely failed the training and get out of it. Btw going to join on 12 sep.

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Does that mean...if we fail the training, we get out of the company without paying the bond?

Then i think there will be many deliberately failing :)
IMO its better to stay away from infy. Their CTC includes a large chunk in performance based incentive that not only depends on individual performance but also company's quaterly performance. Bottomline you get payed considerably less than you thought you would. Moreover the HR is not very approachable in infy and their HR policies & work ethics are questionable. To top that infy is going through a period of transition & restructuring & their management is not too clear about the long term goals. As a fresher it wont be the best environment for you there.

Accenture is a good company and their HR policies & work ethics are light years better than infy's. Its a good option. But if you want a decent HR & work environment & also relatively slack work responsibilities, then TCS is the best IMO. You will get ample free time to prepare for higher studies in TCS.

As far as cogniznt is concerned--- STAY AWAY
v.Na5h said:
Does that mean...if we fail the training, we get out of the company without paying the bond?

Then i think there will be many deliberately failing :)

yup if u fail training u will get out and that too with expirience certificate without paying any bond.

last year many of my friends did the trick and 3 of them are nw studying mba from mdi gurgaon
sahilshah1987 said:
All 3 are crap :P I always advise freshers to join some startup or small- mid size firms.

Please don't suggest that, both for his sake and our sake (other people working at small companies). The OP is not looking to be loaded with work and he will definitely need to put in a lot of time at a startup/small firm. (Not just time but learning effort and the amount of responsibility one has to take). If an employee is not pulling his weight, it is quite visible to everyone else and ends up being a problem for others at the company, who have to put in extra time to get the work done. We had to let go of two people over the last six months for similar reasons.
devvfata1ity said:
IMO its better to stay away from infy. Their CTC includes a large chunk in performance based incentive that not only depends on individual performance but also company's quaterly performance. Bottomline you get payed considerably less than you thought you would. Moreover the HR is not very approachable in infy and their HR policies & work ethics are questionable. To top that infy is going through a period of transition & restructuring & their management is not too clear about the long term goals. As a fresher it wont be the best environment for you there.

Accenture is a good company and their HR policies & work ethics are light years better than infy's. Its a good option. But if you want a decent HR & work environment & also relatively slack work responsibilities, then TCS is the best IMO. You will get ample free time to prepare for higher studies in TCS.

As far as cogniznt is concerned--- STAY AWAY

Any particular reason to stay away from Cognizant? A friend of mine is thinking of joining.
no matter what im not going to stay in any of the companies for more than 1.5 to 2 years reasons were:

Accenture : LOW pay, very bad quality of work for non CS/IT guys (heard from the seniors but I dont buy it much)

Infy : joining was in Jan so losing out on around 5 months of exp plus heard of as workaholics

CTS : NO BoND at all 9 mths training better pay, chances of being in Pune strong, heard its full of slackers :-)

I dont care about any raise or promotions as I dont want to make my career in IT, its only make my parents quite and gain some exp 2 years and im eligible for GMAT

Infy -> Hit or Miss(Higher %)... Drop all of your future plans. Extremely crappy policies and HR. But very secure job. Best experience for the first 5 months, the next period is totally unpredictable.

CTS -> currently very fast growing. Now may be a good time to join. Also chance of staying in Pune is higher I think. Better package on the long run as well and better onsite opportunity than infy.

Accenture -> Better policies and brand name. But Career growth is less as I heard.


If you are really interested in development, then join Schneider. It doesn't matter whether its an electrical company. It will probably give you more challenging works and steep learning curves which will help in the long run in Software Industry. Although check with someone else from Schneider if possible.
boogeyman said:
Any particular reason to stay away from Cognizant? A friend of mine is thinking of joining.

Cognizant = Think Infy (OMG !!) + worse HR policies + Less onsite opportunities + Messed up appraisals

still need more reasons????
Man after reading ur views I think I messed up by declining musigma and hcl call and opting for infy.

But I can,t regret as I don't have time for it

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If you are planning for higher studies be determined and single minded. Dont worry about HR policies/training/salary hikes. The impact of HR policies wont be felt that much by a new Joinee for the first two years.

Infosys - If you have any aspirations for higher studies dont accept an offer from Infy Period

Wipro - I have heard Wipro has the worst HR Policies among the Indian IT bigwigs.3 Year bond for new Joinees. Unless you are desperate stay away from here.

HCL - The only thing i know about HCL is they dont seem to have very many good projects. Many of my friends who are from CS/IT background and good both academically and technically were put on support projects (email support).

TCS - This is a good place for people preparing for GMAT. They have a 2 year bond (Good B Schools that accept GMAT require atleast 2 years of work experience.REPUTATION of the company you work for also counts.Having a TATA logo on your B School resume is good :) ) but there is a very high probability of landing in project where work load is such that you will be able to sneak in a few hours of study every day.Best company in terms of job security (you dont get kicked out easily).

Its a heaven for slackers. I have a friend who managed to stay on bench for months dodging project interviews so he could prepare for GRE. He ended up wasting the opportunity though, didnt get good marks.

CTS - Its the best company to work for a person who is aspiring for higher studies. No bond(Have a friend who worked for CTS for a grand total of 4 months and resigned). Workload depends on the project but a very good possibility of landing in a project with optimal work load. There are good projects available for the ambitious sort.
I have been working in IT for 5 Years, IMO it doesn't matter much for which comp you work for, all are same, if you have it in you, work culture would hardly matter.

Go for company which pays more have no bonds. If work is not good or you have problems in promotion switch to another comp, there are lots of them looking for someone like you with a better pay.

Be loyal to your work not to your company and you will keep moving ahead in your career no matter what comes.

No offence, but one thing I never understood is why one move from non IT background to IT and then to MBA in finance/Marketing and end up wasting 6+years of their life.

IMO if you make a rational judgement while opting for Elec/Mech/Civil/Bio course and believe in it, why not make career in it. There may be less job opportunities in these areas but isn't this one should have considered while choosing a course ? I see a lot of guys around me having 3+ years exp but still have trouble writing simple "if" loop without using Google.
I have been working in IT for 5 Years, IMO it doesn't matter much for which comp you work for, all are same, if you have it in you, work culture would hardly matter.

Go for company which pays more have no bonds. If work is not good or you have problems in promotion switch to another comp, there are lots of them looking for someone like you with a better pay.

The most sane advice.

Cognizant is posting the best results year after year, through recession and what not, there must be reason, right? Don't let anybody tell you otherwise.

TCS - IMO the best company for you, a little laid back. It runs Career advancement programs like TAS, High profile, rigorous and a good alternative to MBA from IIMs/other B Schools. My friend just gave his final round interview in Bombay after clearing CFA in his "off" time @ TCS.

Get some exposure to the IT industry and get out, that should be your aim. Doesn't matter whether you join CTS, Accenture or any other company because more or less all are the same.
GrimReaper said:
TCS - Its a heaven for slackers. I have a friend who managed to stay on bench for months dodging project interviews so he could prepare for GRE. He ended up wasting the opportunity though, didnt get good marks.

OK. Going a bit offtopic..

and i may sound like a noob here...

coz im from a dumbasss shitty college with no placements :(

1. What does a 'bench' period 'actually' mean?

is it the duration after your sem8 exams and the actual date of joining the company

2. Does getting a placement in a company mean u surely get the job or is there any other round(like someone said u may be kicked out if u fail training like infosys) after?

i asked this because mass recruiters like infosys and tcs are selecting almost 120-180 students from one college alone.
^ You could get kicked out if you dont do well in training. But i have never heard this happen anywhere except in Infy. But even then it isnt bad. Have a friend who did not manage to clear his Infy training, flunked his exit tests i think because he managed to stay until the training completed. After he got out of Infy (kicked out rather) he managed to get a job in IBM for a higher package. Infy training has a big reputation inside the Indian IT consulting/outsourcing industry.

After you finish your training the HR will map you to your project, till which time you ll be put into a "Free Pool". This is what we call 'bench time'. You ll get your full salary minus your performance pay. You may or may not have to come to the office. if you do have to come to the office, you wont have to work. You may have to attend Project interviews, after which picked ll be picked for a project.

From what i have seen Bench period may vary from 0 days to 9 months <-2008 recession . And it depends on the availability of projects.

hope i answered your question :)

--- Updated Post - Automerged ---

47Shailesh said:
IMO it doesn't matter much for which comp you work for, all are same, Go for company which pays more have no bonds.


If work is not good or you have problems in promotion switch to another comp, there are lots of them looking for someone like you with a better pay.

Switch to another company only if you are planning to stay in the Indian IT services industry. Generally the ambitious sort either go for higher studies or move to a product based company like Ebay, Intel, google etc. My employer is going to shoot me for saying this, but the truth is there is not much of a future in the Indian IT services industry for the ambitious and talented sort. Its a good place to launch your career....

Be loyal to your work not to your company and you will keep moving ahead in your career no matter what comes.

Hear Hear
GrimReaper said:
^ You could get kicked out if you dont do well in training. But i have never heard this happen anywhere except in Infy. But even then it isnt bad. Have a friend who did not manage to clear his Infy training, flunked his exit tests i think because he managed to stay until the training completed. After he got out of Infy (kicked out rather) he managed to get a job in IBM for a higher package. Infy training has a big reputation inside the Indian IT consulting/outsourcing industry.

After you finish your training the HR will map you to your project, till which time you ll be put into a "Free Pool". This is what we call 'bench time'. You ll get your full salary minus your performance pay. You may or may not have to come to the office. if you do have to come to the office, you wont have to work. You may have to attend Project interviews, after which picked ll be picked for a project.

From what i have seen Bench period may vary from 0 days to 9 months <-2008 recession . And it depends on the availability of projects.

Let me add that one can get benched in between projects, too. You are put back into the deployment pool once released from a project.
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