Compiling problem for Dev-C++


KK, I got the C++ for dummies book by Stephen Davis, and got the Dev-C++ from the CD included, but anywho my problem is that when I got to compile I get this error, it appears in the bottom in the Compiler Tab. (quotes not included)
"2 C:\Documents and Settings\Compaq_Administrator\Desktop\2
unable to run program file."

and the compile log gives this message
"Compiler: Default compiler
Executing g++.exe...
g++.exe "C:\Documents and Settings\Compaq_Administrator\Desktop\Untitled2.cpp" -o "C:\Documents and Settings\Compaq_Administrator\Desktop\Untitled2.exe" -fexceptions -g3 -I"C:\Dev-Cpp\include\c++" -I"C:\Dev-Cpp\include\c++\mingw32" -I"C:\Dev-Cpp\include\c++\backward" -I"C:\Dev-Cpp\include" -L"C:\Dev-Cpp\lib"
Execution terminated"

so yeah, any help at all would be appreciated I have spent 3 hours now trying to solve it on my own and am getting fustrated....
Try compiling the file directly with g++ and see if it works. You could also try moving the cpp file to a location without spaces in the path and compile again.
kk, well I downloaded the newest version and also put it straight into the C:\ directory... now I get 90 errors... idk why either, I am copying straight from the book.... man it's getting me frustrated...
cool, you passed one hurdle ;)

Now welcome to the world of C/CPP. Don't be afraid of errors, these will always be a missing ';' or something like that. Check everything and compile. If still in trouble, just post the code here.