Linux Compiz Fusion:An Unparalleled 3D Environment

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@Darky, nice effort and all....must have taken long time to do so kudos.

But some hard info would also be good.

how long have you been using this desktop ?

yes you have something pretty on Linux now, but are there any more compelling reasons ?

Is 3D any use at all other than looking interesting for a few minutes ?

Does it offer anything over a standard multi-windowed environment, i notice most ppl rather use multiple monitors than even go with that.

We have been working in the standard metaphor for so long that it takes time to adjust to something new and it better be worth the hassle which isn't very clear to me right now.

Not interested in more URLs as in user experiences over the tried & tested.
DarkStar, good guide but the static images don't even tell half the story. Sorry if I missed a video link that you posted but I cannot find any.

Guys, look at this if you want to get amazed: YouTube - Compiz Fusion . Just search youtube for compiz fusion for many more.
blr_p said:
@Darky, nice effort and all....must have taken long time to do so kudos.

But some hard info would also be good.

how long have you been using this desktop ?

yes you have something pretty on Linux now, but are there any more compelling reasons ?

Is 3D any use at all other than looking interesting for a few minutes ?

Does it offer anything over a standard multi-windowed environment, i notice most ppl rather use multiple monitors than even go with that.

We have been working in the standard metaphor for so long that it takes time to adjust to something new and it better be worth the hassle which isn't very clear to me right now.

Not interested in more URLs as in user experiences over the tried & tested.

Thanks :)

1. Yes I do use compiz very much but not 24x7 ..and how long . I been using/testing compiz from its initial release :tongue:

2. Do you meant for Linux or Compiz ? If Linuz then why not ? Stability, Freedom to choose, plethora of tools, Virus Free {Now don't start a flame war :P}

3. Read it carefully I had written there. .Its not just 3d, it ease the user experience with added fun :P

4. Yes it does YouTube - compiz fusion dual monitors | YouTube - Gutsy Gibbon - Compiz Fusion - Dual Monitors

5. It depends on you..few people have already made the transition and few are not willing to ..Nobodycan force anything on you. If you are hapy with you system then its good. I am happy with Linux.. Atleast in the same system using WIndows was lie $#!^ .. Believe me.. Removing virus everytime .. Propriate s/w costs and no stability .. All these reason pushed me to Linux when I was in 8th :P and after that I never looked back :P
Darkie buddy;

Awsum guide re; :D

But messa dont know a $hit abt this Linux; :( :ashamed:

Shall take ur help when I want to okies; :D

Repped for this awsum guide which made TE slow yest;

J/k; :P

EDIT: Need to spread around some rep; :@
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Super Guide~!


Repped!, hope TE server don't starve of bandwidth due to this:bleh:

right now, 53 viewing:D
Let me try again,

Are there any apps you use, that work better with compiz than over the std windows enviroment ?

Would you say that its easier, more productive to go with compiz than whatever the std is, Gnome, KDE etc ?..i guess the answer to this will take time as we see how Compiz is accepted by the masses, will it replace the previous 2 or not.

What i'm really getting at is how much of an improvment is Compiz over the others ?

So far i only read the word 'fun' and if thats the aim then fine. You will have a small community of hard core supporters and it will remain at that.

As far as performance goes i will assume the hardware specs for a machine that can do compiz is similar to one that can do whatever is the state of art in windows or the Mac.

When i mentioned multi-monitor's i meant that instead of having a massive desktop with one monitor, ppl prefer to use more than just one. By this i mean more ppl have chosen to augment with hardware rather than just software. That having a second monitor provides a tangible benefit over the former. They have not opted for a different metaphor, merely augmented the old tried & tested.

Maybe an example will make this more clear, take a look at this

As a new method of working with images, i can say that its the best i've seen to date and shows a lot of promise.

It can feel its an improvement over the current ways and it only took a cpl of minutes to reach that conclusion :)

Here's another, tho it requires extra hardware.
1. All applications work flawlessly with Compiz..

2. Compiz can never replace KDE and Gnome , as it uses DE's as its base to provide desktop effects..

3.Compiz is improving in stability and performance and plugins but its not as fast developing as DE's..

4. Forget about that can a 256Mb Ram based PC can even install VISTA or Mac OSX ? Running effects is a different matter.
Dark Star said:
1. All applications work flawlessly with Compiz..

Java Swing applications frequently give trouble with compiz. There are workarounds and it has reportedly been fixed but I cannot run Swing apps without the workarounds yet because I haven't updated java in 6 months or more. Movie players sometimes give bad performance on compiz if the graphics card is not totally compatible with compiz or it is not properly configured.

But most applications will run fine.

Dark Star said:
2. Compiz can never replace KDE and Gnome , as it uses DE's as its base to provide desktop effects..

compiz can run without KDE or Gnome. It is like any other window manager (fvwm, icewm, fluxbox). I am posting this from such a setup. Compiz does not need Gnome or KDE at all.
^^Huh you didn't get the point.. Compiz needs a DE all those you mentioned are Lightweight DE .. Its just an enhancement .. Not itself a Desktop Env. :|

Edit : Video does create a few problem but it gets sorted out after you enable Video plugin for Compiz Settings Manager :) Considering proper setup of VGA..
Dark Star said:
^^Huh you didn't get the point.. Compiz needs a DE all those you mentioned are Lightweight DE .. Its just an enhancement .. Not itself a Desktop Env. :|

Edit : Video does create a few problem but it gets sorted out after you enable Video plugin for Compiz Settings Manager :) Considering proper setup of VGA..

No, they are not lightweight DEs. They are window managers. I said that compiz is "like" them. Not that compiz needs them, or it runs along with them.

Let me restate: Compiz does not need any other window manager/DE to function. i.e. uninstall Gnome, KDE, fluxbox, icewm, fvwm, all other window managers and DEs. Only install compiz-fusion. It will run without much loss of functionality.

To run compiz without DE in fedora, create a file /usr/share/xsessions/compizfusion.desktop. Add the following information in it.
[Desktop Entry]
# This is the name you'll see for the session in gdm
Comment=Compiz Fusion Without any DE

Now create a file called /usr/local/bin/ Fill the following in it

Give it execute permission. You will see an additional option in gdm now. Selecting it will NOT run Gnome/KDE. It will run only Compiz-Fusion. Without any other window manager or DE to assist it.
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