Linux Compiz Fusion:An Unparalleled 3D Environment

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cool_boy4ua said:
Is there any guy?? whose Linux did not crashed with compiz and 3d effects enabled since 7 days of continues use.

:) I know what you mean. Sometimes it crashes in the beginning. But then you search the internet for solutions, or try to fix it yourself. Sometimes you have to sacrifice some features, sometimes sacrifice performance, sometimes everything works perfectly with slight effort. Then it works for years without crashing. My experience.
bingoUV said:
:) I know what you mean. Sometimes it crashes in the beginning. But then you search the internet for solutions, or try to fix it yourself. Sometimes you have to sacrifice some features, sometimes sacrifice performance, sometimes everything works perfectly with slight effort. Then it works for years without crashing. My experience.

My past experience is not good in Linux. Tried many distributions :( well will try to get it stable, by getting help from here and there:hap5:
cant wait to go back to linux after seeing the eye candy here. I only need to make some space in my hdd to install one of distros. btw, just wanted to know if ubuntu 8.10 has compiz built-in? or any new distro containing this shipped with some tech mag? else hv to dnld thru trnts.
Post a new thread regarding suggestion :P Get Mandriva Spring btw Ubuntu 8.10 will be released in October.. Ubuntu 8.04.1 has Compiz..
Used these myself in ubuntu , they are pretty cool, but hey nothing beats the functionality of good ol windows or foxy & sexy MAC ;)
nanomillenium said:
i believe SUSE offers the best features of this...nice work darky

Go to and there are instructions there on how to add the compiz server to the package manager and add all the plugs you want. I use DreamLinux and I have all the plugins installed as well as some of the experimental ones... awesome Desktop ;) (or if you are more daring, you can use git)
Dual monitors -
1st @ 1680x1050
2nd@ 1280x1024
Am using Nvdia driver I downloaded from Nvidia, I like compiling my own from newest available. If you are using Nvidia, go to Terminal and type

sudo nvidia-settings

This will give you an admin nvidia settings panel where you can save the settings and overwrite the current xorg.conf
PiXeLpUsHeR said:
Dual monitors -

1st @ 1680x1050

2nd@ 1280x1024

Am using Nvdia driver I downloaded from Nvidia, I like compiling my own from newest available. If you are using Nvidia, go to Terminal and type

sudo nvidia-settings
This will give you an admin nvidia settings panel where you can save the settings and overwrite the current xorg.conf

For the Digital-Vibrance,brightness,contrast etc custom levels using nvidia-settings to be sustained on every boot ,you need to add below lines to Gnome startup(in menu: System>preferences>startup tasks).

nvidia-settings -l

^Where "l" is small letter "L".

Currently I am using pre-release 185.18.04 Nvidia driver on 2.6.29 kernel for Ubuntu.
Is there any way that i can get my title(window border)bar back while using compiz fusion with kwin?

'cos everytime i enable compiz fusion (in particular window decorator), i lose the title bar

(i am using Mandriva 2009 spring edition with KDE 4.2.4)
^^Compiz | Kwin effects working ? You must install graphics driver before using effects.. Which graphics card you have ?

Till then disable effects //

Edit: If you have installed drivers installing emerald might do the trick.
(i am using Mandriva 2009 spring edition with KDE 4.2.4)

KDE 4.2.4 hasn't been pushed yet :| How you are using 4.2.4
When on KDE, it is always better to you KDE's window effects as they are tightly integrated into the DE and also better than Compiz.

For eg., Try and notice the difference in the Window Preview Plugin in both of them. KDE does it perfect while Compiz borks it and the devs refusing to implement it adjudging it as a hack and expecting the changes in the X server itself.
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