Are you looking to buy a PC right now?
Haswell and DDR 4 will come in mid-2013 [in India] will definitely demand a premium then and the prices of RAM modules will not be as cheap as it is now [although it might taper of to similar pricing once DDR 4 becomes the de-facto standard].
Are you going to over-clock OR not?
What is your budget?
If you need a PC right-now please go ahead and buy one, if you need advice on the same please say so. Just answer the queries I have posed.
Hope this answers your queries, Cheerio!!
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I am not looking for a complete PC because my quad core processor is working absolutely fine and even the ram and everything. The only problem is that PC shuts down in between while working on the computer randomly and it seems that the problem is with my MotherBoard and since the warranty has expired I think that might be the problem. So I need a Mother Board which is compatible with the AMD quad core processor 2.5 GHz and also need a 1 GB video card compatible with my processor and whichever motherboard you people suggest that would last longer and also want to know if I have to purchase additional ram or not. Also I have got 460 W power supply real power pro cooler master. Will that be enough for playing games like Call of Duty, MaxPayne 3, Crisis and such kinda.
I am not going to overclock. My budget for Motherboard is approximately 20k