Conference Call Solution?

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Unknown Member
Guys, I need a solution for a conference call involving hundreds of people. It doesn't involve much of talking, only listening to the central person speaking. Currently, we are having to form a chain with 5 people connecting with the central person and 5 people each to those 5 members and so on. But this is turning out to be cumbersome and time consuming. So I'm looking for a better alternative. I need a solution where in everyone can call the same number and get into the conference, or at least this 5 member limit be increased considerably. I only need phone based solutions and not Internet based services because Internet access is not available for all the members of the conference. I tried finding something, but I'm at a loss. Please help me :)
Not very sure, but post your budget so that people can guide you better.

Services like goto meeting are internet based but provide a conference number that you can dial into if i'm not mistaken.
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Not sure about the budget, but I don't think it is much of a problem, unless it runs into numerous lakhs :)[DOUBLEPOST=1371922544][/DOUBLEPOST]BTW checked out Gotomeeting. I think it's audio conference is perfect for my needs, but I need one hell of a connection, I'm thinking. Or I'm am I mistaken? Have to research this further. Anyone used this before?
What you need is a Conference Bridge Systems. Thats what is used in Big companies.
You would have a common number and a participant and a moderator code to join to.
The Moderator of the Conference would join using the Moderator Pin, while the other participants join using the participation pin.

Something like this in India

I think Airtel and Reliance also provides such services.
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^Thanks. Will look into it. I tried contacting Gotomeeting on their number but the call won't go through. Cisco only seems to give a web based solution. I called Airtel CC but they don't seem to have any clue. Is there someone else I can contact in Airtel? Actually I prefer a service directly from Airtel rather than these companies. And now I can confirm that the number of people is around 700.
^Thanks. Will look into it. I tried contacting Gotomeeting on their number but the call won't go through. Cisco only seems to give a web based solution. I called Airtel CC but they don't seem to have any clue. Is there someone else I can contact in Airtel? Actually I prefer a service directly from Airtel rather than these companies. And now I can confirm that the number of people is around 700.
Try eagle conferencing. They seem to have got good reviews.

I tried looking for Airtel Audio Conferencing , but all its links are dead. Seems like they might have stopped their services.
+1 for Webex. Best experience so far. You can record the meetings, and resulting file sizes are quite small (100mb for a 2/3 hour meeting, includes audio and video).
Cisco WebEx-Cloud Based Solution, Cisco MeetingPlace-On Prem deployment, Intercall/BT-Provides services via PSTN if I am not wrong. I think Airtel used to have a tie up with WebEx India to provide conferencing solution.
I think you are referring to the toll free dial in numbers for Webex meetings. Almost all major telecom operators are covered.
They partnered up with Airtel to sell their service (Not sure if this is still active). They also provide teleconference dial in numbers via Airtel. ? Been using this since quite some time. Its free, but I don't know if there is an upper limit on the number of participants.

Edit: Just checked their website. Its free for first 10 participants. Might want to check their paid plans.
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