confused between PS3 and PC


guys plz help,

im thinking abt buying a ps3, i already hv a pc with intel E7500. 4 GB RAM, gt9500 GPU.

I am wondring weather buying a ps3 worthit coz i get pc games for only RS 100-250, this will not b the case with ps3.
However if i get magnificant quality games which i could play for whole month (one game) if i play it for apprx 4 hrs a day. then i can buy originals also.

Plz guys tell about your gaming exp with ps3.
your opinion is realy important for me.

thanx everbody
The point is , can you afford the games for a PS3 . If yes then go for it as the price justifies the features & quality of the console & the game
^^ tats a tough Qn!!

I rate 60 for PS3 and 40 for Xbox 360...

As Zerocool suggest if u can afford the PS3 disc...Got for it..

If u cant just stck with Xbox 360..i guess u will get *ahem* copies for 150 onwards..

If u just wannn say HALO to war get xbox 360, If u wannna become 'GOD' OF WAR get the Beast....
tajendra said:
hy man thanx,

need to know about xbox also

how would rate ps3 and xbox

The Xbox is cheaper , has the ahem versions available for very less , but the xbox 360 doesnt have features like :

Blue Ray,
Big & easily upgradable HDD
Free Multi player

Also unless you get a Xbox 360 Jasper, the quality is very poor & it may break down much to early ( within a year odd )

So , if you dont gave the money for the games & can get your hands on a Xbox 360 Jasper , all things will be perfect for you.
tajendra said:
However if i get magnificant quality games which i could play for whole month (one game) if i play it for apprx 4 hrs a day. then i can buy originals also.
Playing 4 hours in a day and lasting for a month? You seriously don't expect that in today's games, right?

The only games that could possibly last that long could be open world games like Grand Theft Auto series or RPG games like Fallout 3 and it's likes. That too if you play it to 100% completion.

So the major question again is, how many originals can you afford in a month? The Platinum Hits would be the lowest costing ones, priced at Rs.1,499. Else you'll have to settle for second hand games which can be bought from this forum or IVG. Most of the SP games would hardly have a playtime of not more than 12 hours. These are the traditional FPS and TPS based games.

What is your budget if you're willing to spend it on a PC?
Dude, u have an awesome PC, all thats missing is a good card. Trust me, just pop in a HD5770 or if budget permits, a HD5850 and you're all set for the next year or so. PS3 would be a waste IMO and plus you need to shell out a fortune for games.
^You dont seem to get the point here. A lot of exclusive titles are missed out that way. Plonking a 5770 or a 5850 is not going to let you pay those on a PC. True a PC game, could be had for free from *ahme* sources and played. Besides when you're done on a PS3 game, sell it off on IVG or the TE market. There're takers for any game any day round the year. AAMOF, by far I've invested about 400 INR on each PS3 game I've played. The PS3 is a worthy investment if you know what you've missed by far on the console front.

Very true........ take a PS3 and start playing without worrying abt system req. every yr.:S

Plus u can always xchange or sell PS3 games here or elsewhere.... tht way u wont lose money on games by much.....

I am going to do the same....... buying a PS3 Slim in Dec09 with loads of used games frm here.....:hap2:
Sorry for being a noob, but when u buy the games from someone else can you still play online. If i can get used games even for around 1k, i wouldn't mind investing on a PS3. For 19k we get a console and a blueray player.

No point in buying gfx cards which are almost as expensive as the ps3 every year. And after couple of years, the cpu+mobo will be too old for the new gfx card. So we end up buying a new pc.

But still i am not sure how easy it is to play FPS on a console. mouse+keyboard combo is the best.

Tough decision to make
swordfish123 said:
Sorry for being a noob, but when u buy the games from someone else can you still play online. If i can get used games even for around 1k, i wouldn't mind investing on a PS3. For 19k we get a console and a blueray player.
Of course you can play online. It's not locked to a specific owner or their profile. ;)

swordfish123 said:
But still i am not sure how easy it is to play FPS on a console. mouse+keyboard combo is the best.
It's never easy. You have to get used to it.
swordfish123 said:
But still i am not sure how easy it is to play FPS on a console. mouse+keyboard combo is the best.

I felt the same way when i purchased my first console - PS2 , but i feel that console shooters are tuned to allow automatic aiming with a controller.
swordfish123 said:
Sorry for being a noob, but when u buy the games from someone else can you still play online.

Yes you can. :)

swordfish123 said:
But still i am not sure how easy it is to play FPS on a console. mouse+keyboard combo is the best.

Not as good as the tried and tested KB + mouse but I did find it OK to play few FPS titles like Resistance2 & KZ2 using the controller. Once you get used to the hang of it, there's no going back.

I say, grab a PS3 slim when it's out. :)

Zero Cool said:
I felt the same way when i purchased my first console - PS2 , but i feel that console shooters are tuned to allow automatic aiming with a controller.

AFAIK, they've disabled this feature on the recent FPS titles. At least I did not get a hint of an auto-aim on KZ2 and Resistance2.
swordfish123 said:
But still i am not sure how easy it is to play FPS on a console. mouse+keyboard combo is the best.

Personally, I hate playing FPS games on a console. If most of my time was spent playing FPSs, there was no way I would have gotten a PS3. I would suggest playing on a friend's system / in a shop before you decide.

As for the thread starter, I would suggest getting a mid range graphics card (the cost of 2 PS3 games) and getting new PC games for 700-800Rs. If you still fell that you do not have any games that last you long or you get desperate to play the PS3 exclusives, get a PS3 later on.
Gannu said:
^You dont seem to get the point here. A lot of exclusive titles are missed out that way. Plonking a 5770 or a 5850 is not going to let you pay those on a PC. True a PC game, could be had for free from *ahme* sources and played. Besides when you're done on a PS3 game, sell it off on IVG or the TE market. There're takers for any game any day round the year. AAMOF, by far I've invested about 400 INR on each PS3 game I've played. The PS3 is a worthy investment if you know what you've missed by far on the console front.

How many RTS and Adventure games do you have on PS3

You do miss a lot many games if you dont have a PC, some people dont realize it

Just that you would miss some consolish games if u dont have a PC

Is Witcher, Risen, Civ 4 or a DOW available on PS3

OP - i would suggest you get a decent 10K DX11 card and you can game easily with your rig for next 1.5 years at 1440 resolution at high settings

90% of the top games are available for PC and you don't have to part with KB+M
^I own a decent PC so I do not miss games on the PC front. As for me, if a title ports to both the platforms, I go for the PC version. My stand is so long as a PC game is not priced less than 500INR, I will NOT buy it, period! I do not mind shelling out 2.5k for the PS3 though - the experience is quite different. I can very well sell the game once it's done for a decent resale value.

And those some 'consolish' games you're referring to - you've no idea what level of immerse gameplay those 'consolish' games offer.

Is the MGS4, Killzone2, Ratchet & Clank series, Uncharted series, Infamous, GOW series etc available for the PS3? It may take about 10 DVDs to port these games to the PC since they come in DL-BR media.

I can defend the console front as to how you did for the PC front but just that the OP doesn't find a solution in a PC vs console war. Had to clear some of the FUD being spread around. Anyhow, I'll give this a pass.
Gannu said:
It may take about 10 DVDs to port these games to the PC since they come in DL-BR media.
Clarification needed on this point? Every game on PS3 comes out on Blu-Ray media. Not every one of those game would be occupying the full amount of space on it. MGS4 has vast amount of cut-scenes in high definition and that would really require couple of DVD's, if ported. The rest, "if" ported properly, shouldn't require more than 2 Dual Layer DVD's.

Anyway, that's not even the point. The point is Sony won't let any of it's exclusives exchange hands with the other platform. Unlike Microsoft, their in house development studios are far superior and hence quality first party titles. I'm surprised they got Quantic Dreams to get Heavy Rain to become an exclusive. So in terms of exclusives, nothing beats Sony.
^My emphasis was specific to some of the games, you know what! ;)

2 DL DVDs should do the trick but then that again is not the point - the developers say the processing power on the other platforms (sans the PC) is not sufficient for the games.

Straight from the horse's mouth!

OT: Forget MGS4 - I wonder the amount of peeps on the planet who fell asleep during the 90minutes of cutscenes including me. :\
Gannu said:
2 DL DVDs should do the trick but then that again is not the point - the developers say the processing power on the other platforms (sans the PC) is not sufficient for the games.
May be not the 360, but if they think PC can't do it, then they are seriously mistaken. I can bet my every last penny, that the PC can handle every game that the PS3 can throw and then some more. It's only a matter of someone seriously porting it. I always imagined how God of War would have looked on PC, if only wishes were horses. ;)
I think iv got the answer guys.

First i am going to buy a Good mid range GPU may be ati 4870 its around 9.5K and a 450 W PSU. it ll cost me around 13K i think. then play some games on it. and try ps3 on the shop nearby my house. then if i feel that ps3 outpreforms my pc, ill go for ps3 also and will use it for games that i cant get on pc.

thanx guys for ur valuable sugestions
plz feel free to guide me if i am doing the right thing and of corse if i buy ps3 i can buy second hand games that will cost me less then fresh ones