confused between PS3 and PC

Spectre said:
BS, have u heard about games like GTA, Dragon Age, Mass Effect and so on. Which system they play best on, FYI its on PC and they are all not FPS

also a small genre called strategy :p

GTA?? are you freakin serious? dude, have u even played on an X360 or PS3? I used to game a lot on the PC earlier, kinda lost interest when they started releasing bad ports and that too a year late.

I've got an LCD TV hooked up to a PS3 and trust me it's gaming heaven.

And yeah, ill concede the point about the strategy games, cant beat a mouse when it comes to navigating...
Fahrenheit said:
GTA?? are you freakin serious? dude, have u even played on an X360 or PS3? I used to game a lot on the PC earlier, kinda lost interest when they started releasing bad ports and that too a year late.

I've got an LCD TV hooked up to a PS3 and trust me it's gaming heaven.

And yeah, ill concede the point about the strategy games, cant beat a mouse when it comes to navigating...

if ur saying console has the best graphics tn u musnt hv played games on a pc wth high end GPU.

wn u play games with max resol. antilashing & higest graphic detail with 60fps, console dosent even stand a chance

i hv experienced it, its addictive man
tajendra said:
if ur saying console has the best graphics tn u musnt hv played games on a pc wth high end GPU.

wn u play games with max resol. antilashing & higest graphic detail with 60fps, console dosent even stand a chance

i hv experienced it, its addictive man
Yes i agree with u .If u one high end graphic card ,console doesnt stand.But
if u hav midrange graphic card then most/every games look better in xbox 360 then pc.I have xbox360 and pc and 9800GT.Most of the games looks better on xbox360 rather than pc.
Fahrenheit said:
GTA?? are you freakin serious? dude, have u even played on an X360 or PS3? I used to game a lot on the PC earlier, kinda lost interest when they started releasing bad ports and that too a year late.

I've got an LCD TV hooked up to a PS3 and trust me it's gaming heaven.

GTA 4 look like crap and plays like crap on both consoles. I bought the PS3 version and it have me a headache to even look at it. I then got the PC version as well and even on medium graphics, its a lot more better to look at and playable as well.

yadusaiyan said:
Xbox have one of the best exclusives PS3 also has many exclusive but eventually MICROSOFT will take away the rights of the third party as it did with GTA 4,Tekken,final fantasy and many more.and the reverse will happen when PS2 had third party developers at their sides and XBOX had less developers.

FIRST get xbox360 then only get ps3

Pray, give me the names of some great exclusives on the 360 that are on the same level as MGS4 and Uncharted 2 with focus on single player and are not available on the PC, PS3 nor never going to be in the future and I would brush the dust off my 360 Elite.

Gannu said:
That's an FUD. You may want to correct that. There're people who own a console and a decent gaming PC and they keep upgrading the latter.

What he said is true to an extent. Lots of non-techie gamers prefer consoles because they can just start playing without having to mess around with settings and all. Most of these gamers wont even have a separate PC.

However there are also techie gamers like us who already have a gaming rig and buy consoles to fill the small gap in the choice of games available to us.
rahulgoel said:
PS3 and XBOX360 sucks in front of PC GAMING...these are for those who just want to insert the game disc into console and start playing...instead off planning a gaming rig and enjoy its awesomeness.

Search on youtube and watch comparison videos....everything will get clear. But if u insist on to buy a gaming console then go for XBOX360 simply.

Some games are better on the console. Some are better on the PC.

FPS with the mouse is more fun than a console not that it is bad with aiming using the right analog. I just feel the mouse is more comfortable.

On the flip side, games like FIFA Soccer/PES are better on the consoles. I've been playing these games for nearly a decade now on the PC and for half a decade on the PS2. Last night, I played FIFA on my XBox and vowed to myself that I'll never play FIFA on the PC ever again.

That's how good it was.

Better controls. Better Graphics. Better Gameplay. Better everything. More features too like actually fighting for the ball using strength. Way more realistic.

rahulgoel said:
console once bought can't be upgraded, whereas PC has upgrade option.

How is that a bad thing? Do you really feel consoles don't provide you good enough graphical output? If so, you should seriously consider dropping by into a household which has a good 'next-gen' console. PC's require far more upgradation and wrt cost, it's not that good. That's how I look at it. Yes, I have a computer that I play games on. I have a laptop that I can play games on. I have 2 consoles I can play games on as well. So I feel I have a decent grip on things when comparing platforms :)

I really suggest you give up a your one track mindset and open your horizons to other options. Just because you've not used it doesn't give you the right to diss it. Reminds me a lot of the Mojave Experiment :p

If you've used consoles (prev-gen and next-gen) and still feel PCs are better then go right ahead, advocate away. If you haven't, stop beating up products you've not even used. :)

The PC vs Console and Console A vs Console B discussions have been beaten to Hell and beyond *everywhere* on the internet. Do we need to continue to do this?
PC gaming is something else and console viceversa.

Best thing is the processor power in PS3. Of course much equivalent powerful solutions available amply in market for PC but the value this offers - just plug in and enjoy movies. Do not worry abt temp. no HDCP issues, less customization, future proof , true HD and bitstream audio(atleast now), upscales all xvids & likes, plays songs. Has most needed connection -wifi, optical, component etc, looks cool and is small, plays games;), helps in DNA squencing:clap:.

Do not want to talk abt cons but think PS3 pretty muc is beter overall. Just my opinion, go for it man. Get it from TE dealer. Its goo for 18.75K.
pc all ways rocks

provided u have a decent one so if u can spend good 40 to 60k then go for pc

else go for ps3

ps3 is good but the only problem is that games are costly

in either way u r going to spend the same amount

u buy a pc for around 40k and buy games at price of 500 -1200

or buy ps3 for 19-20k and buy games at price 1700-3900
anooj30299301 said:
PC gaming is something else and console viceversa.

Best thing is the processor power in PS3. Of course much equivalent powerful solutions available amply in market for PC but the value this offers - just plug in and enjoy movies. Do not worry abt temp. no HDCP issues, less customization, future proof , true HD and bitstream audio(atleast now), upscales all xvids & likes, plays songs. Has most needed connection -wifi, optical, component etc, looks cool and is small, plays games;), helps in DNA squencing:clap:.

Do not want to talk abt cons but think PS3 pretty muc is beter overall. Just my opinion, go for it man. Get it from TE dealer. Its goo for 18.75K.

But isn't that what we like, as tech enthusiasts to fiddle around trying to fix, optimize and get the best out of it
If its just plug and play, then where is the fun :p

consoles maybe good for gaming grandmas or a tweaking fearing techie
John Anderton said:
Sometimes games on Consoles and PCs are not the same.

FIFA 10 on XBox 360 seems far superior than the PC.

Yes it is. And that is because FIFA PC is made by a different team and is on an older engine. It's a different game altogether.

Multiplatform games being weaker on PC is a choice.

Multiplatform games being weaker on Console is hardware limitation.

PES PC on the other hand is much better than PES on consoles. (Same engine, high resolution and the modding tools available!)

(Disclaimer: This post is gaming platform agnostic. I game on the PC and PS3).
if you have the money go with both PC n PS3. You should get a decent gaming PC for 30~40K with AMD Athlon II x4 620 and 4890/5770. It would be best if you settle for a cheper card like Hd4850 now n upgrade to DX11 when prices settle down. PS3 will give more exclusives n they are amazing in graphics than most games on PC. Yeah the PC hardware can support much better graphics but the truth is game devs are not truly exploiting it. So when you want results you are safe with PS3 coz sony is pushing for better graphics on it to prove it architecture is amazing.
your call.
bottom line: Neither can substitute other.
whatsinaname said:
Yes it is. And that is because FIFA PC is made by a different team and is on an older engine. It's a different game altogether.

Multiplatform games being weaker on PC is a choice.
Multiplatform games being weaker on Console is hardware limitation.

PES PC on the other hand is much better than PES on consoles. (Same engine, high resolution and the modding tools available!)

(Disclaimer: This post is gaming platform agnostic. I game on the PC and PS3).

Oh. Thought they had the same engine and team. When I played the demo I was like "shit.. how is gameplay SO MUCH different on the same engine.."

Thanks for shedding some light :)
John Anderton said:
Oh. Thought they had the same engine and team. When I played the demo I was like "shit.. how is gameplay SO MUCH different on the same engine.."

Thanks for shedding some light :)
Pssst.....It's a PS2 port. ;)
Ethan_Hunt said:
Pssst.....It's a PS2 port. ;)

the PC is a PS2 port? Can't be. I have the PS2 version as well and its utter shit. Performs badly and looks even worse. Fifa 2005 looked better :<

Yes, I understand why it can't look as good as Fifa 10. It's nearly a decade old and has no where near the same amount of power but I don't understand why the Fifa PC devs at EA refuse to go next gen ;( Fans have been requesting it for ages. I guess fitting the same controls easily on to a keyboard will be difficult because of a lack of the right analog stick. I can't get the PC version to do tricks either ;(
John Anderton said:
the PC is a PS2 port? Can't be. I have the PS2 version as well and its utter shit. Performs badly and looks even worse. Fifa 2005 looked better :<
It has been ported from PS2. Obviously, doesn't mean that it would have the same level of graphic as that console. Run a search for it, I'm sure there were many who said that it was a PS2 port and hence, looked inferior to the 360/PS3 version.
John Anderton said:
the PC is a PS2 port? Can't be. I have the PS2 version as well and its utter shit. Performs badly and looks even worse. Fifa 2005 looked better :<

Yes, I understand why it can't look as good as Fifa 10. It's nearly a decade old and has no where near the same amount of power but I don't understand why the Fifa PC devs at EA refuse to go next gen ;( Fans have been requesting it for ages. I guess fitting the same controls easily on to a keyboard will be difficult because of a lack of the right analog stick. I can't get the PC version to do tricks either ;(

The reason EA gives is piracy. They say that the time and money it would take to port the next get version to the PC is not worth the returns. :no:
hy guye i finaly bought ATI HD 5770 1 GB GPU and FPS 500W PSU,

PSU will b dilivered after three days, till that time i hv option to change it,

Will it be enough to take on two 5770s if i decide to crossfire it in future.

So wat do u suggest should i go for 600W PSU or a higher one.

thanks for all ur advise, i ws not able to understnd some of tm though!

i am confused with name of PSU it either FPS or FTS or may be FSP i dont know!!

forgot to tell one thing,

I got a software for playing PC games with joystick.
I know u ll say that ull not need a software for that,
but this not the case with GTA4, prototype and some other games.

i tried everything including the suggestions in GTA4 thread but didnt got any sucess,

finaly or luckly i got this 'JoyToKey' software on web, now i can control my whole pc with joy stick, and play any game with joy stick and it works smoooth man.

i know ull all b aware of this one, but just wanted to share that i felt so happy that i was able to ply these games with joystick after being pissed of by trying so many other things and not succeding.