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plan to buy headphones. confused between Audio Technica ATH-A700 & DENON AH-D1001K. BUDGET 8k

strictly closed cans.will be used for mainly music at home(COWON D2).

suggestions please.


sennheiser hd 555 at 6.2k dude..... A700 lacks bass and denons i havent heard but, u cant go wrong with the 555's.

I have owned/listened to various cans Senn 595 and 555. I currently own AT AD700 Open cans and Philips SHP9000.

I can blindly vouch for AT 700 Open cans in terms of sound clarity and sound stage.

Open cans are much better in terms of soundstage and SQ than closed one. Also keep in mind that the possibilities of hearing loss are more in closed cans than open ones.

@Kaval: thanks for your reply buddy. yeah .........opens sound way much better than closed.
am not really looking for the SQ as i already have my AKG K701 white & the Senn 650 :ohyeah: its just that need a closed cans for comfort,portability wherever i take ( workplace).

btw : AKG K 701s smoke the Senn 650 in SQ:hap2:
^^ One can't go by one person's preference over AKG K701. There are many who swear by the K701 & it would be much fair to compare them wit similar priced offerings from other manufacturers.

I own a recabled Denon D1001 & both my HD580 & Beyer DT880 are significantly better than the denons.

That said, D1001 is a great can & for the price it sounds amazing. I suggested the M50 since its available in India & can also be auditioned but you can't go wrong with the D100q either.

calvin07 said:
@Kaval: thanks for your reply buddy. yeah .........opens sound way much better than closed.
am not really looking for the SQ as i already have my AKG K701 white & the Senn 650 :ohyeah: its just that need a closed cans for comfort,portability wherever i take ( workplace).

btw : AKG K 701s smoke the Senn 650 in SQ:hap2:

U have 701 and 650 :O:wow:

If isolation is your requirement denon 1k's are really bad at that.
How are you planning to power full size headphones with the D2.You'll need a fiio at least or else the batteries will get drained pretty quickly.You need them to be portable too.

I'd suggest looking for high end IEMs rather than full size headphones or something along the lines of the px100,don't go by its price,I've read from several places that it sounds like something much more expensive.
Portability? Do A700s offer those? :huh:

Would they not be similar like your K701s? (Just my impression from Amazon listings)

I have Senn PX-80, which is a cheaper cousin of PX-100. They are portables. May be you can look at PX-200-II, which is better than their previous not-so-good PX-200-I version. Since you already have HD650, I'd avoid 555/595 etc.,

Since you like your K701s (which I assume are more neutral), why not look at an IEM like RE0 or Phonak PFE - unless you want to avoid IEMs? (Both of them do not isolate fully. PFE does not have microphonics and hopefully are not affectionate to wind like RE0).
Superfrag said:
If you are gonna use them with the D2.. aren't IEM's the way to go?

+1 .Cowon D2 cannot power up the headphones what so ever.I have the Philips SHP 9000 ,it just cant do the justice.As a matter of fact my RE1 doesnt sound good with D2 .It certainly needs an AMP.If u want to pick either of the head phones you need an decent amp at any cost.I am not talking about the Fiio E5 get some good iBasso or Meier Corda amp then purchase the headphones else you will hate your headphones big time.

Sorry for the late entry, but felt like this post is inconclusive.
Graphs might not be the best judge of sound quality but these ones pretty much proves that Denon equals ATH AD700 in every aspects of SQ and trumps it esp in low end/bass frequencies. AD700 leaks more due to open design, the fit is questionable due to non adjustable headband and the huge soundstage/lacking bass will hardly benefit anything except games and classical music.
To sum up:

ATH M-50 > Denon D1001S > ATH AD700

^ Dude. Those graphs don't mean anything. :| Plus the graphs that you have posted are of A700 which are closed cans and you are talking about AD700 which are open.

@OP - If you really want portability, I also think you should look into IEMs. Since you already have both K701 and HD650 :drool2:, an IEM would be a better option.

If you still want to go with headphones, I would suggest to go with Audio Technica M50. The foldable design will allow you to carry them easily. Plus they don't need much an amp to drive. They would sound fairly well with your Cowon D2.
bhupatib said:
Sorry for the late entry, but felt like this post is inconclusive.
Graphs might not be the best judge of sound quality but these ones pretty much proves that Denon equals ATH AD700 in every aspects of SQ and trumps it esp in low end/bass frequencies. AD700 leaks more due to open design, the fit is questionable due to non adjustable headband and the huge soundstage/lacking bass will hardly benefit anything except games and classical music.
To sum up:

ATH M-50 > Denon D1001S > ATH AD700

I appreciate you took the time to compare graphs and specs but they cannot tell you whats the soundstage, resolution , tibre etc of the headphones.

If you compare the Sennheiser CX300 to the HD650, you will conclude that the CX300 is much better.


calvin07 said:
@Kaval: thanks for your reply buddy. yeah .........opens sound way much better than closed.
am not really looking for the SQ as i already have my AKG K701 white & the Senn 650 :ohyeah: its just that need a closed cans for comfort,portability wherever i take ( workplace).

btw : AKG K 701s smoke the Senn 650 in SQ:hap2:
Sure the AKG K701 is better. If you like anemic bass, and unnatural soundstage that is. :ohyeah:
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